Periodic Table
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The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables

There are thousands of periodic tables in web space, but this is the only comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. If you know of an interesting periodic table that is missing, please contact the database curator: Mark R. Leach Ph.D.

Use the drop menus below to search & select from the more than 1300 Period Tables in the database: 

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Non-Chemistry Periodic Tables. The PT is often used as an organizing metaphor in various areas of human endeavor:

2013   7 Elemental Chemical Synthesis
2016   90 Global Issues, Periodic Table of
2009   Acrylic on Canvas Periodic Table
2000   Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts in Periodic Table Stylie
2000   Adult Periodic Table
1933   After Crookes: The Periodic Law
2012   Airline Customer Review Periodic Table
2013   Alcohol, Periodic Table of
2011   Armstrong's Periodic Table of University Courses
2010   Arsenal Periodic Table
2015   Art of The Elements
2005   Artist's Periodic Table
2007   Awesoments, Periodic Table of
2010   Baseball Hall of Famers Periodic Table
2015   Batman Periodic Table
2017   BBC's Every Element of Wonder Periodic Table
2014   Beatles, Periodic Table of
2009   Beer Styles, Periodic Table of
2006   Beer Styles, Periodic Table of
2007   Beeriodic Table
2008   Black Hole Orbits, Periodic Table of
2004   Blues Periodic Table
2010   Bradley's Periodic Table of Science Bloggers
2010   Brand Evolution Term
2010   Business Periodic Table
2010   Caffine Beverages Periodic Table
2008   Callan's Periodic Table of Investment Returns
2007   Canadian Periodic Table
2009   Canadian Periodic Table of The Elements
2003   Candy, Periodic Table of
1996   Caporael's Periodic Table of the Elements
1997   Car Advert Periodic Table
2010   Cars, Periodic Table of
2008   Cartoon Characters, Periodic Table of
2005   Cereal Typologies Periodic Table
2014   Childhood, Periodic Table of
2012   Chocolate Periodic Table
2018   Christmas Periodic Table of Substances
2009   Chuck Norris Destroyed the Periodic Table
2010   Chucknorium Periodic Table
2010   City Planning Periodic Table
2013   Classic Rock Periodic Chart
1999   Cognitive Elements, Periodic Table of
2010   Coiled Coils Periodic Table
2014   College Scholarships, Periodic Table of
2010   Colorments Periodic Table
2007   Comic Book Characters, Periodic Table of
2004   Condiments That Go Bad Periodic Table
2012   Connectivism, Periodic Table of
2006   Console Controllers Periodic Table
1980   Contemporary Elements Periodic Table
2021   Coronavirus, Periodic Table of: Elements of a Year We'll Never Forget
2016   Cricket, Heavy Rock, Wine, Cocktails, Football, Hip Hop: Periodic Table "of" Books
2005   Criminal Elements Periodic Table
2009   Cupcakes, Periodic Table of
2017   Daily Mail Outrage, Periodic Table of
2023   DALL-E Pop Art Periodic Table
2007   Dallas Periodic Table
2004   De Long's Wine Grape Varietal Table
2007   Death Metal Periodic Table
2004   Dessert Periodic Table
2001   Desserts, Periodic Table of
2010   Diana Comet Presents: 75 Years of Fabulous Writers. A Periodic Table, 1933-2008
2014   Do Not Disturb
2009   Does the Periodic Table Of LED's Schematic Work?
2016   Education Technology, Periodic Table of
2009   Element Girls Pretty Up the Periodic Table
2023   Element Names: The Etymology of The Periodic Table
2013   Element of Confusion T-Shirt
2012   Elemental Foundation of All Rap Songs
2010   Elemental Table of the Period
1967   Elements of The Standard Model
2010   Elements of Videogames, Illustrated
2010   Empire Strikes Back, Periodic Table of
2008   European Nations As Periodic Table
2010   Fake Science Periodic Table
2013   Fictional Elements Periodic Table
2013   Flag of Nation of Discoverer Periodic Table
2003   Font Periodic Table
2012   Football Club Periodic Tables by On A Six Pence
2016   Football, Periodic Table of (Book)
2012   Four of Diamonds: A Pirate Story
2007   Freaky Trigger Periodic Table
2020   FReNeTic
2005   Fundamental Particles
2010   Funk, Periodic Table of
2016   Genetic Codon Periodic Table
2013   Google Panda: Periodic Table of SEO
2007   Gyroscopic Periodic Table
2001   Haiku Periodic Table
2007   Hardware, Periodic Table of
2016   Harrington's Periodic Tables
2013   He(isenberg) T-Shirt
2011   Heavy Metals (Bands) Periodic Table
2013   Higgs Boson and Fundamental Particle/Force Periodic Tables
2010   Hipsters Periodic Table
2006   Homeopathic Periodic Table
2009   Hong Kong, Periodic Table of
2010   HTML 5 Elements, Periodic Table of
2014   HTML 5 Periodic Table
2013   HTML Periodic Table of the Elements
2011   Human Element
2010   Imaginary Elements Periodic Table
2007   Internet Periodic Table
2009   Investment Returns Periodic Table
2011   Irrational Nonsense Periodic Table
2009   Jensen's In-Finite Form
2009   Keys Periodic Table
2010   Knickers
2011   Knitted Periodic Table
2005   Languages, Periodic Table of
2014   Learning Methods, Periodic Table of
2006   Lego Periodic Table
2015   Linux Distros, Periodic Table of
2015   London Underground Station Periodic Table
2013   London, Periodic Table of
2006   Look Around You Periodic Table
2010   Mad Men Periodic Table
2010   Manchester United Periodic Table
1979   Mann's Spiral Periodic Table
2021   Map of Fundemental Particles
2002   Mathematicians, Periodic Table of
2010   Meat, Periodic Table of
2009   Meet the Elements
2009   Metaphor Periodic Table
2012   Middle Class, Periodic Table of
2012   Minecraft, Periodic Table of
2011   Modern Toss Periodic Table Swearing Jacket
2011   Modern Toss: World's First Interactive Swearing Periodic Table
2005   Money, Periodic Table of
2013   Muppets, Periodic Tables of
2014   Musical Notation, Periodic Table of
1999   Nations, Periodic Table of
2005   Nerdiness Periodic Table
1991   Non-Scientist's Periodic Table
2012   Ocado Groceries for Every Table
2014   Olympic Lifts, Periodic Table of
2009   Oregon Periodic Table
2005   Painting of The Elements
2010   Pepsi Max with Genseng Periodic Table (Advert)
2010   Periodic Arch of The Elements
2006   Periodic Table Mysteries
1998   Perl Operators
2002   Personality Elements
2014   Phobias, Fears & Unspeakable Horrors, Periodic Table of
2003   Poetic Table of The Elements
2009   Political Interference in Science, Periodic Table of
2014   Press Release Story Elements
2004   Printmaking Periodic Table
2011   Produce Periodic Table
2010   Professional Cycling Periodic Table
2015   Protein Complexes, Periodic Table of
2007   Pumpkin Periodic Table
2007   Rap Periodic Table by NOVI NOV
1999   Rejected Elements Periodic Table
2010   Revised Periodic Table
1987   Roadside Jesus Periodic Table of Rockin'
2007   Rock, Periodic Table of
2010   Russian Periodic Table of Alcoholic Beverages
2008   School Periodic Table Projects
2009   Science Fiction, Periodic Table of
2007   Scoville Unit Periodic Table
2011   Search Engine Optimization, Periodic Table Of
2010   Sentiments Periodic Table
2013   Shapes Periodic Table
1998   Silicon Graphics Workstation/Client
1998   Simpsons Periodic Table
2009   Smellelements, Periodic Table of
2018   Snakes and Ladders of the Periodic Table
2008   Snelson Atom
2009   Soap Periodic Table
2024   Social Issues, Periodic Table of
2009   Social Media Periodic Table
2016   Songs, Periodic Table of
2010   Sports Cars, Periodic Table of
2012   Standard Table of Influence
1999   Star Trek Periodic Tables
2016   Story Telling, Periodic Table of
2011   Storytelling Periodic Table
2014   Stuff Stoners Like Periodic Table
2010   Super-Hero Periodic Table
2009   Swearing, Periodic Table of
2015   Sweetners: a Periodic Table
2009   Tabla Periódica de las Condfituras: Preserves, Marmalades & Jellies
2014   Table Lab
2010   Teachinghearts Periodic Table
2011   Tetris: How They REALLY Made The Periodic Table
2011   Text Message Periodic Table
2012   Tour de France - 'le tour des Merveilles'
2013   Twitter Handle Periodic Table
2009   Typefaces, Periodic Table of
2011   U.S. Presidents Periodic Table
2011   Uptime Elements
2011   Urban Biscuit Myths, Periodic Table of
2021   USA as Periodic Table Infographic
2009   Video Game Character Periodic Table
2016   Video of Periodic Table Battleship
2006   Vienna Chicago Style Hot Dog Condiment Periodic Table
2003   Visualization Methods Periodic Table
2008   Vulgarity, Periodic Table of
2004   Wine Periodic Table
2013   Wine, Periodic Table of
2010   Wisdom Periodic Table

Year:  2013 PT id = 564, Type = formulation non-chem

7 Elemental Chemical Synthesis

The Mystics Guide to Elemental Chemistry, by bzylman at deviantart:

[A] poster is designed to geek out the chemist and the mystic alike. It is a variation on the periodic table of chemical elements that have been rearranged into a circular structure based upon their proton count and chemical family, augmented with the concept of the 7 mystic elements of earth, air, fire, water, metal, wood and void. It was very interesting to work upon once I hit the correct organization of elements that they lined up almost perfectly.

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Year:  2016 PT id = 940, Type = non-chem

90 Global Issues, Periodic Table of

Indian Schoolgirl Perfectly Reproduces Periodic Table by Inserting 90 Global Issues, a headline from The Epoc Times.

"Below is the periodic table, with the elemental symbols as they should be. But rather than a chemical, each symbol abbreviates a relevant social problem affecting the world today. Meet Kaanchi Chopra, the creator of this unique period table of elements. Chopra is a 17-year-old student and artist from Delhi, India. Because she uses her art as a platform to incite change, Chopra refers to herself as an ardent artivist.

From Kaanchi Chopra's ART AND ACTIVISM blog:

"As I flipped through the pages of [my chemistry textbook] trying to decipher the meaning of the title, a flashback to Grade 10 suddenly reminded me of the Periodic Table. How we used to make numerous mnemonics to memorize the Alkali metals, Alkaline Earth metals, Halogens, Noble gases and Transitional metals.

"In this entire rote learning process, I found something different and probably something as meaningful as those elements. I realized that each and every symbol of the elements in the Periodic Table was an acronym of a global issue. It could be expanded to form a word which represented one of humanity's worst vices. A few words in this table also represent the various movements and social issues which have gained a lot of attention in the recent times. That was when I decided to make a periodic table of 90 global issues and here it is!"

Thanks to Carel Kusters for the tip!

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Year:  2009 PT id = 314, Type = formulation non-chem

Acrylic on Canvas Painting by Princess Rashid

A series of acrylic on canvas abstract periodic table paintings by Princess Rashid:

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Year:  2000 PT id = 182, Type = non-chem

Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts in Periodic Table Stylie

Adobe Illustrator Shortcuts in Periodic Table Stylie:

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Year:  2000 PT id = 99, Type = non-chem

Adult Periodic Table

An adult PT of sex (available from Amazon):

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Year:  1933 PT id = 646, Type = formulation non-chem

After Crookes: The Periodic Law

The Crookes three dimensional periodic table of 1898, here, has been adapted with the addition of two elements 'Adyarium' and 'Occultium' between hydrogen and helium, as presented to Theosophical Society (see bottom right hand corner).

Looking into this, we found the following:


This work contains a record of clairvoyant investigations into the structure of matter. The observations were carried out at intervals over a period of nearly forty years, the first in August 1895 and the last in October 1933. The two investigators, Annie Besant (1847-1933) and C. W. Leadbeater (1847-1934) were trained clairvoyants and well equipped to check and supplement each other's work.

Method of Investigation: The method is unique and difficult to explain. Many have heard of the word "clairvoyance" (clear-seeing), connoting the cognition of sights and sounds not perceived by ordinary people. In India the term Yoga is sometimes related to faculties that are beyond ordinary cognition. It is stated in Indian Yoga that one who has trained himself "can make himself infinitesimally small at will". This does not mean that he undergoes a diminution in bodily size, but only that, relatively, his conception of himself can be so minimized that objects which normally are small appear to him as large. The two investigators had been trained by their Eastern Gurus or Teachers to exercise this unique faculty of Yoga, so that when they observed a chemical atom it appeared to their vision as highly magnified.:

after Crookes

Thanks to Roy Alexander for the tip!

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Year:  2012 PT id = 509, Type = non-chem

Airline Customer Review Periodic Table

A Periodic Table ranking Airlines by eDreams Customer reviews. Find your favorite way to fly:

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2013 PT id = 602, Type = non-chem

Alcohol, Periodic Table of

From, a Periodic Table of Alcohol. Click here for full size:

<Eight-Group Periodic Table>

<Eight-Group Periodic Table>

<Eight-Group Periodic Table>

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2011 PT id = 425, Type = non-chem

Nicholas Armstrong's Periodic Table of University Courses

Nicholas Armstrong is a graduate of Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, currently pursuing a Master's degree in and at the same. On his blog there is a periodic table showing the courses he took at university. Click here for a large version:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 424, Type = non-chem

Arsenal Periodic Table

From ebay, "118 of Arsenal's greatest players and managers in a periodic table, along with the years they played for the club. Specifically designed so the top 24 Arsenal players are listed seperately in the box below the main table, this is a fantastic poster that would grace the wall of any Arsenal fan":

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Year:  2015 PT id = 711, Type = misc non-chem

Art of The Elements

An Exhibition "Periodic Tales: The Art of the Elements", the Compton Verney Gallery, 3 October 2015 to 13 December 2015

"The iconic periodic table represents the ultimate expression of order, containing the volatile elements in rows and columns. This exhibition explores a selection of the elements drawn from the periodic table (neon, uranium, gold, silver, carbon, iron, copper, mercury, colbolt, aluminium, sulphur, bronze, tin, lead, calcium) and looks at how artists have used them and their cultural meanings in their art.

"Inside the exhibition you will experience the elements in unique and unexpected ways through historic and contemporary works by artists including Eduardo Paolozzi, Joseph Beuys, Joseph Wright of Derby, John Constable, Antony Gormley, Cornelia Parker, Marc Quinn, Lucy Skaer, Danny Lane, Bill Woodrow, Maria Lalic, Fiona Banner, Thomas Heatherwick, David Nash, Ken + Julia Yonetani and Roger Hiorns.

There are also two new commissions. A stunning neon work by Tim Etchells and a thoughtful carbon sculpture by Annie Cattrell."

The show is reviewed in New Scientist.

Thanks to Marcus Lynch for the tip!

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Year:  2005 PT id = 191, Type = non-chem

Artist's Periodic Table

“Periodic Table” found object assemblage and construction. Dimensions variable, by David Redfern:

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Year:  2007 PT id = 195, Type = non-chem


"In the 300 B.C., years before the birth of black Jesus, Aristole postulated that all good things were made of 'win'. That was a pretty good guess, but he was drunk and probably also having an orgy. Modern day awesominers know there are actually 118 fundamental 'awesoments' that compose all good things. The Periodic Table of Awesoments can be a very useful tool. It's designed to show the relationships between awesoments, and often one can even predict how awesoments interact simply by their positions on the table.":

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Year:  2010 PT id = 356, Type = non-chem

Baseball Hall of Famers

From Wired: When it comes to central repositories of awesomeness, science has its Periodic Table of Elements. Baseball has its Hall of Fame. And now, an unlikely marriage between the two has been fashioned.

Larry Granillo, who runs the über-awesome Wezen Ball, took it upon himself to essentially mash up the Periodic Table (which currently boasts 118 known elements) with those who've been formally voted into baseball's most elite circle (109 members, to date). With a little categorizing and a whole lot of inventiveness, Granillo came up with the definitive classification system of baseball legends.

Click to embiggen:

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Year:  2015 PT id = 710, Type = non-chem

Batman Periodic Table

No idea where this one originated from, but is all over the Internet and is available as a T-shirt here & here:

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Year:  2017 PT id = 750, Type = non-chem

BBC | Every Element of Wonder Periodic Table

Y&R London team up with FLINK, represented by Independent / Indy8, to craft an ad for BBC's Every Element of Wonder campaign, highlighting its learning running across TV, radio and social media platforms.:

Periodic Table of Education Technology

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Year:  2014 PT id = 631, Type = non-chem

Beatles, Periodic Table of

A periodic table of the Beatles, from dotmund:

Beatles PT


Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2009 PT id = 263, Type = non-chem

Beer Styles

Periodic Table of Beer Styles:

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Year:  2006 PT id = 170, Type = non-chem

Beer Styles

A periodic table of Beer Styles from Mantis Design:

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Year:  2007 PT id = 262, Type = non-chem

Beeriodic Table

From Mark Winter's WebElements, a Beeriodic Table:

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Year:  2008 PT id = 93, Type = non-chem

Periodic Table for Black Hole Orbits

"We define a taxonomy of orbits that hinges on a correspondence between periodic orbits and rational numbers. The taxonomy defines the entire dynamics, including aperiodic motion, since every orbit is in or near the periodic set." Janna Levin, Gabe Perez-Giz (and New Scientist):

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Year:  2004 PT id = 406, Type = non-chem

Blues Periodic Table

A Periodic Table of The Blues by Instruments For Research and Industry:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 421, Type = non-chem

David Bradley's Periodic Table of Science Bloggers

David Bradley, of ScienceBase, has constructed a Periodic Table of Science Bloggers:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 326, Type = non-chem

Brand Evolution Terms

By Kolbrener, a Periodic Table of Brand Evolution Terms:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 329, Type = non-chem

Business Periodic Table

The Periodic Table of Business shows 384 base or generic Performance Markers. These are arranged and placed on the Periodic Table strategically, by business function and layer in the business, or hierarchy:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 328, Type = non-chem

Caffine Beverages

A Periodic Table of Caffine Beverages:

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Year:  2008 PT id = 275, Type = non-chem

Callan's Periodic Table of Investment Returns

"The first Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns was published (and copyrighted) by Callan Associates, Inc. in 1999. The Table is updated each year and can be found (free of charge) on Callan's website. As the proud father of Callan's Periodic Table of Investment Returns, and the coiner of the name, I am happy to see it adopted by many in the investment industry, all we ask is for acknowledgment."

Jay Kloepfer

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Year:  2007 PT id = 218, Type = non-chem

Canadian Periodic Table

This Canadian PT has lots of subtle Canadian references (apparently) from here.

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Year:  2009 PT id = 552, Type = non-chem

Canadian Periodic Table of The Elements

From Uncyclopedia: Contrary to popular belief, Canadian science organizations and the Canadian education systems are quite sophisticated programs. These programs rely on up to date information, and a wide plethora of information. Most notably, the Canadian Periodic Table of the Elements.

Established 3 days after the discovery of Canada by Humans, and consisting of only 3 elements (Me, Wa, Ro) it provided the foundation for today's table which sports 18 different Elements, with more being added every decade or so:

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Year:  2003 PT id = 198, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of Candy, "An invaluable scientific tool brought to you by drchinese" :

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Year:  1996 PT id = 491, Type = non-chem

Suzanne Caporael's Periodic Table of the Elements

Suzanne Caporael's, Periodic Table of the Elements: Series 1; The Five Kingdoms: Series 2 (Exhibit Catalog, Feb–Mar 1996), Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, IL (1996). Each of the one hundred and twelve elements is a wrapped and painted book. Many are encyclopedia volumes. Each painted volume hides some knowledge. Oil on linen, muslin, 78 in x 192 in:

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Year:  1997 PT id = 101, Type = non-chem

Car Advert

And a car advert...

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Year:  2010 PT id = 394, Type = non-chem

Cars, Periodic Table of

A Periodic Table of Cars from the CARnivorousness blog:

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Year:  2008 PT id = 176, Type = non-chem

Cartoon Characters

A Flickr page showing a periodic table of cartoon characters with clickable links:

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Year:  2005 PT id = 100, Type = non-chem

Cereal Typologies

A chart on cereal typologies published in 2wice:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 665, Type = non-chem

Childhood, Periodic Table of

Sold by Etsy, a Periodic Table of Childhood:



Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed
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Year:  2012 PT id = 534, Type = non-chem

Chocolate Periodic Table

Two way proof that the periodic table is made of chocolate, from Fo'Drizzle and Robeastro:

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Year:  2018 PT id = 1144, Type = misc non-chem

Christmas Periodic Table of Substances

By Tom Gauld for New Scientist 22/29 December 2018 pp90:

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Year:  2009 PT id = 211, Type = non-chem

Chuck Norris Destroyed the Periodic Table

From the Crazy Dog T-shirts a Chuck Norris Periodic Table.

"Chuck Norris Destroyed the Periodic Table of Elements because he only recognizes the element of surprise. "

Unfortunately, no longer available... but there are lots of other cool ones!

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Year:  2010 PT id = 310, Type = non-chem


Chucknorium, the most dangerous element in the whole universe, here:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 395, Type = non-chem

City Planning Periodic Table

A Periodic Table of City Planning:

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Year:  2013 PT id = 539, Type = non-chem

Classic Rock Periodic Chart

A Periodic Chart of Classic Rock by Van Dieman... look more closely:

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  1999 PT id = 332, Type = non-chem

CHC Gf-Gc Periodic Table of Cognitive Elements

The Kevin McGrew CHC Gf-Gc Periodic Table of Cognitive Elements:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 327, Type = non-chem

Coiled Coils

CC+, a relational database of coiled-coil protein structures. This database has been developed to help probe understanding of the sequence-to-structure relationships:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 679, Type = non-chem

College Scholarships, Periodic Table of

From the website:

"At ScholarshipExperts, we want to make your [American College] scholarship search easy and fun, while helping you find free money to pay for your college education. That's why we created the Periodic Table of College Scholarships – an interactive tool to help you explore thousands of scholarships available online and find opportunities that match your academic achievements, interests, and needs.

"Start experimenting with the table below by selecting an element to view a full list of scholarships available in a specific category. To see full scholarship details and application deadlines, click on the title of an individual award."

College Scholarships

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Year:  2010 PT id = 185, Type = non-chem


A Periodic Table of Colorments.

From Colourlovers "Here you can find all the elements on the periodic table represented by a mere 5 colors. Some have the inspiration image posted while others were purely plucked from the depths of my scientific being. Hours of research went into all of these so, enjoy!":

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Year:  2007 PT id = 96, Type = non-chem

Comic Book Characters

A research project by the Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky.

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Year:  2004 PT id = 94, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of condiment lifetimes:

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Year:  2012 PT id = 519, Type = non-chem

Connectivism, Periodic Table of

Gretal Patch writes in her blog, Edtech Learning Log:

"My EdTech543 assignment this week certainly stretched my creativity, but since I'm a wanna-be chemist at heart, I had to try it. The assignment was to non-linguistically represent the dense concepts of connectivism, personal learning networks, and communities of practice. Here is my attempt":

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Year:  2006 PT id = 207, Type = non-chem

Console Controllers

A periodic table of console (game) controllers, here. Click here for a larger version.

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Year:  1980 PT id = 322, Type = non-chem

Contemporary Elements

A 1980 periodic table (with updated 'modern revisions') by Joseph Di Gregorio that claims to show the "Contemporary Elements".

Click here to see the full size version:

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Year:  2021 PT id = 1199, Type = non-chem

Coronavirus, Periodic Table of: Elements of a Year We'll Never Forget

By Jamie Diersing and posted on McSweeneys, The Periodic Table of Coronavirus: Elements of a Year We'll Never Forget

Click to enlarge:

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!

See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2016 PT id = 738, Type = non-chem

Cricket, Heavy Rock, Wine, Cocktails, Football, Hip Hop: Periodic Table "of" Books

The periodic table is a widely used metaphor for arranging about 100 items:

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Year:  2005 PT id = 146, Type = non-chem
Criminal Elements

A periodic table of criminal elements:

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Year:  2009 PT id = 168, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of Cupcakes from Woman's Day magazine:

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Year:  2017 PT id = 756, Type = non-chem

Daily Mail Outrage, Periodic Table of

From The Poke, a Periodic Table of Daily Mail Outrage. We particularly like the groupings of Blind Fury, Pious Indignation, Inbred Loathing, Existential Angst, Swivel-Eyed Ignorance, Sexual Frisson, Sheer Envy & Egregious Knee-Jerk.

T-shirt, poster & Tea Towel versions are available. Click here for the large version:

Daily Mail

Thanks to Marcus Lynch for the tip!

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Year:  2023 PT id = 1274, Type = formulation misc non-chem

DALL·E Pop Art Periodic Table

I asked DALL·E to generate a: "periodic table as pop art", and the AI produced this:

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Year:  2007 PT id = 188, Type = non-chem


"Periodic Table of Dallas to be unveiled: Not that we're bragging or anything, but a mural masterminded by local artist Frank Campagna that shows a periodic table of important elements of Dallas was just unveiled on the side of The Door":

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Year:  2004 PT id = 256, Type = non-chem

De Long's Wine Grape Varietal Table


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Year:  2007 PT id = 224, Type = misc non-chem

Death Metal Periodic Table

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Year:  2004 PT id = 271, Type = non-chem

Dessert Periodic Table

A Scientific and Rigorous approach to patisserie -- in Full Color by Andrew Plotkin (2003)

You've seen those charts that say, like, "Periodic Table of the Vegetables" or "Periodic Table of the Sausages"? They annoy me because they are not periodic. They have no vertical or horizontal correspondences. The actual periodic table of chemical elements has structure -- that's why it's cool. Thus, my contribution to the field: 

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Year:  2001 PT id = 97, Type = non-chem



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Year:  2010 PT id = 427, Type = non-chem

Diana Comet Presents: 75 Years of Fabulous Writers. A Periodic Table, 1933-2008

Sandra McDonald has produced a Diana Comet Presents: 75 Years of Fabulous (women) Writers, A Periodic Table, 1933-2008 here:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 645, Type = non-chem

Do Not Disturb

From a hotel in Boston:

Do Not Disturb

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2009 PT id = 426, Type = non-chem

Does the Periodic Table Of LED's Schematic Work?

I'm not going to elaborate on my project, I don't want anyone to steal it. Basically, its a LED Array in the shape of the periodic table. The small black circles are 4 way connections of all wires, if they intersect with no circle, they do not connect.:

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Year:  2016 PT id = 749, Type = non-chem

Education Technology, Periodic Table of

From Daily Genius, a Periodic Table of Education Technology:

Periodic Table of Education Technology

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed
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Year:  2009 PT id = 315, Type = non-chem

Element Girls Pretty Up the Periodic Table

The original idea for "The Periodic Table: Learning Basic Chemistry through Moe" came to Miyuki Mitsuda, a chemistry teacher at Tokyo's Musashi Institute of Technology, where "moe" is a Japanese term that describes the feminization of inanimate objects:

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Year:  2023 PT id = 1283, Type = data misc non-chem element

Element Names: The Etymology of The Periodic Table

An excellent video by RobWords about the names of the chemical elements and how they came about:

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Year:  2013 PT id = 576, Type = non-chem

Element of Confusion T-Shirt

From Bad Idea T-Shirts:

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Year:  2012 PT id = 489, Type = non-chem

Elemental Foundation of All Rap Songs

From the blog, The Internet Sucks Today, a mini-PT arrangement which shows "the elemental foundation of all rap songs":


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Year:  2010 PT id = 341, Type = non-chem

Elemental Table of the Period

Called "Elemental Table of the Period", this is a mixed media on panel artwork by Faith Cavendish on the HoldUp website.

Look closely, and many of the elements symbols have been moved, duplicated or invented:

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Year:  1967 PT id = 230, Type = formulation misc non-chem

Elements of The Standard Model

The first step towards the Standard Model of particle physics was Glashow's 1960 discovery of a way to combine the electromagnetic and weak interactions. In 1967, Weinberg & Salam incorporated the Higgs mechanism, giving the standard model its modern form of: quarks leptons and bosons.

These diagrams are the periodic tables of elementry particle physics:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 309, Type = non-chem

Elements of Videogames, Illustrated

From the Lizzy wanders blog, here:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 420, Type = non-chem

Empire Strikes Back, Periodic Table of

From Blastr, with art design by Chris Kalba, comes a Periodic Table of The Empire Strikes Back:

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Year:  2008 PT id = 331, Type = non-chem

European Nations As Periodic Table

The Periodic Table of European Nations:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 415, Type = non-chem

Fake Science Periodic Table

Fake Science provides bonkers theories about our world, including the 'fact' that the periodic table is based on the popular board game Scrabble:

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Year:  2013 PT id = 605, Type = non-chem

Fictional Elements Periodic Table

This interactive graphic, from, contains fictional materials from games, animated shows, comic books, movies, books, television and more.

If you hover over an element in the source infographic, it displays the origin and properties of the fictional element:

Fictional Elements

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Year:  2013 PT id = 574, Type = non-chem

Flag of Nation of Discoverer Periodic Table

A periodic table showing the national flag of the discoverer:

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Year:  2003 PT id = 95, Type = non-chem


A dingbat font by Scott Stowell and Chip Wass:

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Year:  2012 PT id = 498, Type = non-chem

Football Club Periodic Tables by On A Six Pence

By, offer a series of visuals of some British Premier League football clubs:


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Year:  2016 PT id = 737, Type = non-chem

Football, Periodic Table of (Book)

A book called: The Periodic Table of Football by Nick Holt, available on Amazon. Click here for a larger version of the periodic table.



Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed
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Year:  2012 PT id = 512, Type = non-chem

Four of Diamonds: A Pirate Story

From the Creative Output blog, "Jim was a respectable middle-aged man who suddenly became a pirate. He didn't just start downloading art in ways contrary to the artists' wishes. He actually became a pirate. One minute he was looking at cat pictures on the internet at work, the next he was standing on an enemy ship, with a cutlass in one hand and a hook on the other...":

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2007 PT id = 404, Type = non-chem

Freaky Trigger Periodic Table

The Freaky Trigger Periodic Table. "What the FreakyTrigger periodic table is not: science - not even in the loosest limbed definition that FT uses (ie thought experiments and puns). It is not a way of ordering the world, the makers of the desert periodic table put up last week would be quite disappointed by the general lack of periodicity. Whilst there may be some serendipity in the periodic placement of some of the "elements", this is more by accident than by design. Indeed the design merely fits that of the periodic table because that was the idea in the first place. And as the methodology shows, any over-arching idea to create a consistent cosmology out of this project was soon scuppered by the organic scourge of many bright ideas. Alcohol.":

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Year:  2020 PT id = 1104, Type = misc non-chem


FReNeTiC is the multi-Award winning 'Frenzied word game of the Elements' where players race against the clock to form as many words as possible using the Element Symbols of The Periodic Table.

In this fast and furious word game players score points equivalent to the atomic numbers of each tile used to create the word, for example Ba Na Na = Banana = 78 points.

The first player to score 1000 points wins!

Everyone plays all the time, quick set up and easy-to-follow rules with FRaNTiC FUN AcTiON! (And no, you don't need to know the Periodic Table or be a GeNiUS to play).

Thanks to Marcus for the tip!

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Year:  2005 PT id = 184, Type = non-chem

Fundamental Particles

A periodic table of Fundamental Particles. Click on the image to go to the website and access a 7000 x 5000 sized image:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 556, Type = non-chem

Funk, Periodic Table of

The Periodic Table of Funk:

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Year:  2016 PT id = 720, Type = non-chem

Genetic Codon Periodic Table

Heinrich Ferreira,, has created a 'periodic table' for the 20 amino acids, organized by generic code and hydrophobic value.

"I realized that when one orders the codons in the genetic code by Hamming distance of base changes between the 64 different codons for the 20 amino acids, that the amino acids with similar hydrophobic/polar nature automatically cluster together.

"This shows how the genetic code is optimized to minimize the production of incorrectly folded proteins.

"Thus, in the case of a single base change which results in a different amino acid being used, the chances are that incorrect amino acid will have the same or similar hydrophobic qualities are actually quite high due to the codons appearing next to each other on the Genetic Code periodic table.

"This representation, like the periodic table, is a torus where the adjacent codons wrap around from bottom to top and left to right."

Genetic Code Periodic Table

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Year:  2013 PT id = 572, Type = non-chem

Google Panda: Periodic Table of SEO

Panda is a is a 2011 change to Google's search results ranking algorithm aimed to lower the rank of 'low-quality sites' or 'thin sites' and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results.

The PT below, from, is a graphic to help web developers make their sites 'Panda friendly':

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Year:  2007 PT id = 160, Type = formulation spiral 3D non-chem

Gyroscopic Periodic Table

From the Garuda Biodynamics web site: "The Gyroscopic Periodic Table has been a natural progression developed from a study of Soil Science, Dr Steiner's Agriculture and Medical Courses, Astronomy and Astrology."

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Year:  2001 PT id = 336, Type = misc non-chem

Haiku Periodic Table

The excellent Periodic Table of Haiku has re-emerged from the 'Way Back" web-archive website.


A second 2009/10 Periodic Table of Haiku, from the University of Minnesota is available here.

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Year:  2007 PT id = 1063, Type = non-chem

Hardware, Periodic Table of

From This Into That – by Jim Rosenau – comes a Periodic Table of Hardware that rather cleverly uses the usual element symbols:

Click to enlarge:

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Year:  2016 PT id = 731, Type = formulation non-chem

Harrington Periodic Tables

So we start this effort tabula rasa (without preconceived ideas).

1) All atoms have a default "common denominator" structure at 270 mass units, irrespective of the element under discussion. Therefore, no elements seen as wisps and glints past this point are of consequence. Ergo, the bizarre stability of Dubnium 270.

2) This common structure is divided up by the exact same divisors as are the electron orbitals - i.e. the prime numbers of 2, 3, 5, and 7.

3) Pi as a divisor produces its own, unique and dominating organizational patterns.

4) Each of these sets of plotted nuclide "boxes" use identical formats, but are arranged in vertical columns based on the set of 270 AMUs being divided by these prime numbers. So the 5D Table is 270/5 or 54 AMUs per vertical column/"tower".

5) Each system reinforces unique elemental parameters. The system based on 3/Pi, and its second "harmonic" at 6/2Pi reflects physical properties. The 2Pi configuration almost exactly emulates the "conventional" / Mendeleevian element-based table, except the periods are based upon mass not element count, and these periods do not organize in rows of 18 elements, but rather rows of 44 mass units. The organization/configuration of this default structure is: Pi(Pi^2 + Pi + 1) = 44 This is the primary physical default structure of the periodic table and spectrum of elements, as projected in 3D space, and as perceptible to humans.

6) 5D determines everything with magnetic properties. This disproves every single theory that attributes electron shell behavior as determining magnetic parameters. Clearly here we see that the nucleus is "calling the shots", with electron orbitals conforming as driven. The various red and blue shaded boxes are found at extremes of top and bottom.

7) The system of 7D determines most of all physical parameters of surface and molecular behavior. Here we see surface tension, density, softness and hardness, malleability, boiling and melting points and a few other behaviors. This system of correlation is fully unknown to conventional theory. Notice how superlative parameters bunch at the top and bottom of this configuration.

8) When this system of 270 mass units is divided by 12, for 22 mass units per period, the periodic cycle rate precisely correlates with known Type 1 and 2 elemental superconductors. The physical correlations between periodic repetition at 22 mass units, the 270 count system, and superconductors is also completely novel and not compatible to conventional BCS theory. The correlation between this 22 count system and the three largest cross section nuclides known to man (113Cd, 157Gd and 135Xe) is also completely heretical, however mathematically symmetrical and perfect it may actually be organized.

9) The center portion of this common 270 count structure is named the "Cordillera", for the habit of multiple parallel mountain ridges sharing a common alignment. This area is profoundly affected by Pi-based organizations. The very center at 135Xe indicates that the overall table should terminate at element 108 Hassium at 270 mass units. This has a Proton/Neutron ratio of 3:2. This actual nuclide has very poor stability, unlike Dubnium 105 with 270 mass counts. This nuclide has a ratio of precisely 1:Pi/2, indicating the entire table describes a spectrum of mass organizational states spanning the integer ratio of 1:1 (Deuterium) to 3:2, then on through to 1:Pi/2. Current accepted atomic theories concerning "Islands of Stability" are ridiculous.


Click on the image to see the full size version

KAS Periodic Table

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Year:  2013 PT id = 575, Type = non-chem

He(isenberg) T-Shirt

From Bad Idea T-Shirts:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 416, Type = non-chem

Heavy Metals (Bands) Periodic Table

From Pop Chart Lab a Periodic Table of Heavy Metals:

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Year:  2013 PT id = 580, Type = formulation non-chem misc

Higgs Boson and Fundamental Particle/Force Periodic Tables

The Higgs boson sits at the heart of the Standard Model of particle physics, and so is at the centre of periodic table type representations of quarks, leptons and forces.

Three representations by the UCR Today, a video interview with Particle Fever editor Walter Murch: "The Higgs boson is kind of a MacGuffin" and from

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Year:  2010 PT id = 390, Type = non-chem

Hipsters Periodic Table

Periodic Table of Hipsters:

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Year:  2006 PT id = 30, Type = non-chem


A Homeopathic Periodic Table by Jan Scholten.

From his book Geheime Lanthanide (Secret Lanthanides) 2006. The basic idea is that successive elements in each series ( = row) are like the stages in a heroic story like the labours of Hercules or the voyages of Odysseus, each one appropriate to meet a different challenge.

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Year:  2009 PT id = 183, Type = non-chem

Hong Kong

A periodic table of Hong Kong by BigWhiteGuy :

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Year:  2010 PT id = 340, Type = non-chem

HTML 5 Elements, Periodic Table of

This table, from the Josh Duck blog, shows the 104 elements currently in the HTML5 working draft and two proposed elements (marked with an asterisk).

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Year:  2014 PT id = 683, Type = non-chem

HTML 5 Periodic Table

Josh Duck's 2010 HTML 5 Periodic Table has been removed from the web (still avialable here), but it has been replaced by an updated HTML5 Periodic Table, by Robert Manning:


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Year:  2013 PT id = 587, Type = non-chem

HTML Periodic Table of the Elements

Periodic Table of HTML Elements, by Josh Duck, has an inspector that allows you to see which elements are being used on any website you enter:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 430, Type = non-chem

Human Element

By Camelot Cottons: This is an amazing collection putting Human Emotion as the focus and using the Periodic Table as the platform for this concept. You can use this colorful collection to make a gift for the academic in your life.

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Year:  2010 PT id = 382, Type = misc non-chem

Imaginary Elements

An image of a Periodic Table Imaginary Elements by Russell Walks:

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Year:  2007 PT id = 166, Type = non-chem

Internet Periodic Table

A periodic table of the Internet. Click on the link or image to go to the website, from where you and access the web sites & services listed:

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Year:  2009 PT id = 209, Type = non-chem

Investment Returns

A periodic table investment returns from the Retirement Income Journal.

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Year:  2011 PT id = 387, Type = non-chem

Irrational Nonsense Periodic Table

The Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense:

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Year:  2009 PT id = 249, Type = formulation misc non-chem spiral 3D

Steve Jensen's "In-Finite Form"

"I'm a figurative sculptor, living in Minneapolis MN. A few years ago, while looking at a two dimensional version of the periodic table, I too wondered if it would be possible to create a Periodic Table without any visual breaks in its numerical sequence. Although I had never seen anything other than the rectangular flat table, I thought I might be able to solve this spatial continuity problem three dimensionally. I also wanted to limit myself to using a 3-D "line" that had no sudden changes in direction. After coming up with what I thought was a new and unique sculptural resolution, I put the project aside. Only recently (after re-building my paper model out of a translucent material) did I do some research on the web, and immediately recognized the strong likeness between my version and the Alexander Arrangement. Even more surprising was my models' visual similarity to Crookes' figure eight design from some 111 years ago.

"Although there are obviously many inventive and well thought out responses to this design challenge, I believe that my solution is a unique one, and an improvement over some of the previous three dimensional forms. The "line" of my model allows for contiguous numerical placement of all the symbols (while maintaining group continuity along its vertical axis), even as the shape of its plan view makes visual reference to the well-known symbol for infinity. What's more, in my version, the Lanthanide & Actinide series do not occupy a separate field but are fully integrated into the continuous linear flow. This piece, which I've entitled "In-Finite Form" speaks to the mystery of the endless flow of space, even as it folds back onto itself within the confines of a finite system."

Steve Jensen ©September 2009

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Year:  2009 PT id = 179, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of Keys from Flickr:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 527, Type = non-chem


What more can we say... except the Etsy link no longer works!

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Year:  2011 PT id = 450, Type = non-chem

Knitted Periodic Table

From the Facebook group, Knit The Periodic Table.

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Year:  2005 PT id = 213, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of languages, here:

and for sale here:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 682, Type = non-chem

Learning Methods, Periodic Table of

Nano Ninjas CLASS - FLL Project by Nano Ninjas.

CLASS = Crowdsourced Learning Academic Scholastic System with additional Spin wheel and periodic table of learning methods.

CLASS is a great tool to help students be more comfortable with how they learn in a classroom. Our Periodic Table Of Learning Methods helps people to identify their learning style and corresponding learning methods. Additionally the Spin Wheel we have created displays these learning styles and methods in a easy to understand format. Together our solution improves the learning experience for students in a classroom environment.

Click here for fulll version... be sure to zoom in.

Learning Methods

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Year:  2006 PT id = 478, Type = non-chem

Lego: Periodic Table

A Lego Periodic Table:

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Year:  2015 PT id = 1093, Type = non-chem

Linux Distros, Periodic Table of

From Distro Watch a Periodic Table of Linux Distros:

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Year:  2015 PT id = 685, Type = non-chem

London Underground Station Periodic Table

By Christopher J Woods, a Periodic Table of London Underground Stations. Click here to see the larger image:

Quantum Fold Periodic Table

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Year:  2013 PT id = 570, Type = non-chem

London, Periodic Table of

Like the Tube Map, the Periodic Table is an endlessly fascinating thing. Over the years, the format has been adapted to all kinds of schemes. A few years ago, we tried to make sense of London in this way, by arranging important facets of the capital into rows and columns. It's been a while, so we've now updated it, with a few changed entries and a general tidy up. Can you work out the identity of each London 'element'? Can you spot hidden patterns and trends? Can you suggest improvements?

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2006 PT id = 232, Type = non-chem

Look Around You Periodic Table

A spoof periodic table form the BBC comedy science program, Look Around You:


You will need to click here to see the full size graphic and spot the jokes, for example :

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Year:  2010 PT id = 400, Type = non-chem

Mad Men Periodic Table

From Flavorwire, a Mad Men periodic table.

Click here to see the full size version. Graphic by Emily Miethner:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 323, Type = non-chem

Manchester United Periodic Table

The Manchester United Periodic Table T-Shirt: The history of Manchester United, arranged in the style of chemistry's periodic table of the elements. From Charlie Roberts to Wayne Rooney via everyone from Harry Gregg to Ralph Milne and Dennis Violett to Denis Irwin.

Showing Man United's greatest, best loved and most infamous players in each position as well as the two greatest managers in the history of the club: Sir Matt Busby and Sir Alex Ferguson.

Also featuring two of the most famous teams in history in their entirety: the team that perished at Munich and the one which won the treble in 1999..

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Year:  1979 PT id = 471, Type = non-chem formulation spiral

Mann's Spiral Periodic Table

From AT Mann:

"I designed a spiral periodic table which was published first in my book The Divine Plot: Astrology, Reincarnation, Cosmology and History (George Allen & Unwin, London, 1986) which attempts to correlate the PT with astrological understanding of the inherent properties of the signs and planets":

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Year:  2021 PT id = 1200, Type = non-chem misc data

Map of Fundemental Particles

By Domain of SciencePosters & YouTube Channel – a periodic table of the fundamental particles that make up the periodic table.

Domain of Science is produced by physicist Dominic Walliman who is on a quest to make science as easy to understand as possible.

Click to enlarge:

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Year:  2002 PT id = 196, Type = non-chem


Periodic Table of Mathematicians. Click the elements to see info on famous number crunchers:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 320, Type = non-chem

Meat Periodic Table

From the Pleated-Jeans blog:

"Scientists have long referred to meat as 'the building blocks of delicious meals'. In an effort to catalog the world's most popular (and unpopular) types of meat into an informative and easy-to-reference tabular form, I give you the The Periodic Table of Meat":

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Year:  2009 PT id = 237, Type = misc non-chem

Meet the Elements

"Meet the Elements", is a song & video from They Might be Giants, on bOING bOING:

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Year:  2009 PT id = 252, Type = non-chem

Metaphor Periodic Table

A Periodic Table of Metaphors by Christoph Niemann, image in Gallery 6:

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Year:  2012 PT id = 554, Type = non-chem

Middle Class, Periodic Table of

From the Middle Class Handbook, The Periodic Table of Middle Class (An illustrated guide to what the British middle classes say, do & buy):

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Year:  2012 PT id = 544, Type = non-chem

Minecraft, Periodic Table of

A Periodic Table of Minecraft materials by egeres:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 405, Type = non-chem

Modern Toss Periodic Table 'Swearing Jacket'

By Modern Toss:

"Many activites have had clothing designed specifically for their practice: hunting, smoking, submissive sexual role play, but never before has the popular activity of swearing been graced with it's own garment.

"Now it has. Now at last if you feel like you have a bout of heavy swearing coming on, you can slip into this superb, bespoke 'Swearing Jacket' and let the cloth itself inspire you to really ramp it up to a new level. Featuring precision-selected abuse based on the chemical elements of the Periodic Table, the Modern Toss 'Swearing Jacket' designed by Gresham Blake":

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Year:  2011 PT id = 419, Type = non-chem

Modern Toss: World's First Interactive Swearing Periodic Table

From Modern Toss: "Come and witness the amazing Interactive Talking Periodic Table of Swearing at this years Latitude Festival, in the Modern Toss Activity Centre Tent. Cheers":

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Year:  2005 PT id = 214, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of money, here:

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Year:  2013 PT id = 603, Type = non-chem

Muppets, Periodic Tables of

By Mike Baboon Design, a Periodic Table of The Muppets:

Muppets, Periodic Tables of

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Year:  2014 PT id = 675, Type = non-chem

Musical Notation, Periodic Table of

From the Tone Deaf Store, a Periodic Table of Musical Notation:

Musical Notation

Musical Notation

Musical Notation

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed
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Year:  1999 PT id = 702, Type = non-chem

Nations, Periodic Table of

A Periodic Table of Nations by Tony Goodman. Click here to enlarge.

Periodic Table of Nations

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Year:  2005 PT id = 98, Type = non-chem


A chart in GQ, by Fred Woodward, on nerdiness:

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Year:  1991 PT id = 640, Type = non-chem misc

Non-Scientist's Periodic Table

By John T Hortenstine Jr. of the R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, The Non-Scientists Concept of the Periodic Table of the Elements, for example "Zirconium, in Fake Diamonds", etc.

Click here for the big version.

Non Scientist PT

Non Scientist PT

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.

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Year:  2012 PT id = 537, Type = non-chem

Ocado Groceries for Every Table

From a possible advertising campaign, the Ocado Groceries for Every Table:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 666, Type = non-chem

Olympic Lifts, Periodic Table of

By and posted on Pinterest, a Periodic Table of Olympic Lifts:

Olympic Lifts

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed
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Year:  2009 PT id = 324, Type = non-chem

Oregon Periodic Table

Oregon Periodic Table, here:

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Year:  2005 PT id = 242, Type = formulation misc non-chem spiral

Painting of The Elements

From Gabrielle David's website, here, a painting called Elements, inspired by Melinda Green's Periodic Fractal formulation of 1995:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 396, Type = non-chem

Max with Genseng Periodic Table (Advert)

A Wake Up! Pepsi Max with Ginseng soft drink periodic table advertisment, from this sequence:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 277, Type = formulation misc non-chem

Periodic Arch of The Elements

Cynthia K. Whitney of Galilean Electrodynamics writes: "In his paper Explaining the periodic table, and the role of chemical triad, Eric Scerri mentioned the existence of at least four different candidate places for Hydrogen: Group 1 (alkali metals - Lithium, etc.), Group 17 (halogens - Fluorine, etc.), Group 14 (Carbon, etc.), or off the Periodic Table entirely, because it is so odd! The four-fold multiplicity (and maybe more) of candidate places for Hydrogen triggered in me the following thought: the excessive multiplicity of candidate places may have to do with the rectangular nature of the Periodic Tables under consideration there." Read more in this pdf file.

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Year:  2006 PT id = 254, Type = non-chem

The Periodic Table Mysteries

In this series, Dr. Gloria Lamerino, retired physicist back from California, moves into an apartment above a funeral home in Revere, Massachusetts. When she signs on to help the Police Department in science-related homicides, she doesn't realize she may have 109 cases ahead of her...

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Year:  1998 PT id = 178, Type = non-chem

Perl Operators

A periodic table of Pearl Operators: "Being a comprehensive and complete enumeration of the Operatic Elements of the Perl 6 Language, assembled and drawn with dedication and diligence by M. Lentczner as a service to both the Community and the Republic."

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Year:  2002 PT id = 690, Type = non-chem

Personality Elements

By Frans Maan, a Periodic Table of Personality Elements. Click here for the full size pdf.

As Frans says in his email "Scaffolding integrating trait psychology, developmental psychology, homeopathy etc.":



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Year:  2014 PT id = 676, Type = non-chem

Phobias, Fears & Unspeakable Horrors, Periodic Table of

From ShirtWOOT, a Periodic Table of Phobias, Fears, and Unspeakable Horrors that uses the actual elemental symbols rather well:


Unspeakable Horror

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed
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Year:  2003 PT id = 255, Type = non-chem

Poetic Table of The Elements


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Year:  2009 PT id = 339, Type = non-chem

Political Interference in Science, Periodic Table of

In recent years, scientists who work for and advise the federal government have seen their work manipulated, suppressed, distorted, while agencies have systematically limited public and policy maker access to critical scientific information.

To document this abuse, the Union of Concerned Scientists has created the A to Z Guide to Political Interference in Science:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 669, Type = non-chem

Press Release Story Elements

From HustonPR:

If your presentation dosen't contain one or more of these story elements, the story does not exist:

press release story elements

Thanks to Marcus Lynch for the tip!

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Year:  2004 PT id = 181, Type = non-chem


The periodic table Printmaking Project:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 391, Type = non-chem

Produce Periodic Table

Periodic Table of Produce:


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Year:  2010 PT id = 401, Type = non-chem

Professional Cycling Periodic Table

The Cyclocosm blog made a nice Periodic Table of Professional Cycling wall poster.

All cycling events of 2010 are on this calendar organized by location, prestige and format. It’s a little bit late in the season, but I think they will make one for 2011:

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Year:  2015 PT id = 715, Type = misc non-chem

Protein Complexes, Periodic Table of

The Periodic Table of Protein Complexes, developed by researchers in the UK and published in the in the journal Science (Dec 11, 2015), offers a new way of looking at the enormous variety of structures that proteins can build in nature. More importantly, it suggests which ones might be discovered next and how entirely novel structures could be engineered. Created by an interdisciplinary team led by researchers at the Wellcome Genome Campus and the University of Cambridge, the Table provides a valuable tool for research into evolution and protein engineering.

Read more on Kurzweil and Wild Types (ASBMB Today).

Protein Complexes

Protein Complexes

Thanks to Bob Bruner for the tip!

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Year:  2007 PT id = 163, Type = non-chem


Clarkson University student chapter of the American Chemical Society, along with the physics club and the theater club hosted the carving of the first “periodic table of pumpkins” as a kick-off to National Chemistry Week, from here:

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Year:  2007 PT id = 226, Type = misc non-chem

Rap Periodic Table by NOVI NOV

NOVI NOV writes:

"I infused the Periodic Table into a rap. It was for an old mixtape. I used to record all my music through my camcorder and would delete the video...and mix just the vocals. I kept some of those video files...enjoy"

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Year:  1999 PT id = 150, Type = non-chem

Rejected Elements

The periodic table of rejected elements by Michael Gerber and Jonathan Schwarz, here:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 359, Type = non-chem

Revised Periodic Table

From Spelling Mistakes Cost Lives Dot Com, a heavily Revised Periodic Table:

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Year:  1987 PT id = 344, Type = non-chem

Roadside Jesus Periodic Table of Rockin'

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Year:  2007 PT id = 225, Type = misc non-chem

Rock, Periodic Table of

From OscTV:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 384, Type = non-chem

Russian Periodic Table of Alcoholic Beverages

A Russian Periodic Table of alcoholic beverages. I don't speak Russian but my guess is that V = vodka:

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Year:  2008 PT id = 257, Type = non-chem

School Projects

Jane Bush, a teacher at Frontier Trail Junior High School.

"Each year when we study periodic tables I ask my students to create their own periodic tables of ordinary objects. My rubric and directions are below. Also feel free to enjoy projects from past years."


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Year:  2009 PT id = 373, Type = non-chem

Science Fiction, Periodic Table of

A BlogSpot collection of Science Fiction stories:

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Year:  2007 PT id = 264, Type = non-chem

Scoville Unit Periodic Table

Welcome to The Scoville Food Institute, the home of Scoville Foods Hot Sauce.

Here at The Scoville Food Institute, our main focus is making REALLY GREAT hot sauce. All day long, we study the chemistry of hot peppers and try to come up with new, flavorful hot sauces. We'll add a dab of this and a smidgen of that, all the while staying away from additives, preservatives, MSG, and other nasty/non-essential ingredients. 

Large Version

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Year:  2011 PT id = 411, Type = non-chem

Search Engine Optimization, Periodic Table Of

SEO - search engine optimization - is one of the most important marketing activities available to companies and publishers, but it's too often considered some murky dark art or a sinful practice that should be avoided. It's not.

To help clear away some of the mystery and fear for those new to SEO, and provide a "reset" for those who are experienced, we've created The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 180, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of sentiment cards by pinklovesbrown:

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Year:  2013 PT id = 590, Type = formulation non-chem misc

Shapes Periodic Table

By comes the Periodic Table of Shapes. The site is worth clicking around, as there is a lot of good PT stuff to find:

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Year:  1998 PT id = 190, Type = non-chem

Silicon Graphics Workstation/Client

Silicon Graphics Workstation/Client periodic table:

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Year:  1998 PT id = 376, Type = misc non-chem

The Simpsons Periodic Table

A Periodic Table from the Simpsons... look closely and it is not quite as expected...

Lisa Gets an "A" Season Ten (1998-1999) - 23 Episodes [204-226] Episode 210 Original Airdate on FOX: 22-Nov-1998

Skinner:       We can buy =real= periodic tables instead of these promotional ones from Oscar Meyer.

Krabappel:    Who can tell me the atomic weight of bolognium?

Martin:         Ooh ... delicious?

Krabappel:    Correct. I would also accept snacktacular.

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Year:  2009 PT id = 278, Type = non-chem

Periodic Table of Smellelements has a Periodic Table of Smellelements:

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Year:  2018 PT id = 978, Type = non-chem

Snakes and Ladders of the Periodic Table

Gordon Marks has developed a game of Snakes & Ladders (Chutes and Ladders in the USA) using a Periodic Table, symbols as in Peter van der Krogt. Instructions here:

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Year:  2008 PT id = 221, Type = misc non-chem

Snelson Atom

"Kenneth Snelson's Portrait of an Atom is a multi-media artwork that [attempts to] describe the atom's electronic architecture. If you happen to have a rapid prototype printer this STL file can be downloaded free for creating a desktop model at any preferred size of the Snelson atom."

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Year:  2009 PT id = 281, Type = non-chem

Soap Periodic Table

A periodic made from soap:

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Year:  2024 PT id = 1323, Type = non-chem

Social Issues, Periodic Table of

By, a Periodic Tables of Social Issues - Signed Limited Edition A tabular display of the worst elements of humankind. 1st edition print of 100.

Click to enlarge:

Thanks to Vicci for the tip!

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Year:  2009 PT id = 403, Type = non-chem

Social Media Periodic Table

A Periodic Table of Social Media Elements. The original post can be found here, the full size flickr image here, but there is a blog that explains the meanings of all the two letter designations here:

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Year:  2016 PT id = 751, Type = non-chem

Songs, Periodic Table of

By Theo J. Mertzimekis, a periodic table of songs/pieces related to the elements that can be played using Spotify. Click here or on the PT image below to go to the 'active' page:

songs - pieces

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Year:  2010 PT id = 398, Type = non-chem

Sports Cars, Periodic Table of

A periodic table of Sports Cars from Car and Driver:

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Year:  2012 PT id = 510, Type = non-chem

Standard Table of Influence

From Playmaker Systems comes the first Periodic Table of Influence: "For communicators, social media experts, marketers, sales people, politicos, developers and information warfighters. The first complete taxonomy of the 24 most basic stratagems in business, government and society.

"At the front line of The Playmaker Standard Decision System is the first taxonomy of the most basic stratagems observed in communication, social media, marketing, sales, politics and the military. Inspired by the periodic table of chemical elements, The Standard Table of Influence identifies, organizes the irreducibly unique strategies of influence - what we call plays.

"How is it organized? Each of the 24 named plays is assigned to one of three overarching classes (shown along The Table's top row as Assess, Condition and Engage) and then to one of the seven underlying subclasses (shown in The Table's second row as Test, Divert, Frame, Freeze, Press, Preempt and Provoke":

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Year:  1999 PT id = 526, Type = non-chem

Star Trek Periodic Tables

Three Star Trek inspired Periodic Tables:

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Year:  2016 PT id = 1002, Type = non-chem

Story Telling, Periodic Table of

A Periodic Table of Storytelling by James Harris Design:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 409, Type = non-chem

Storytelling Periodic Table

From deviantART, a Periodic Table of Storytelling by ComputerSherpa.

"This was my final project for my Visual Design 1 class. During critique, a student suggested this could be made into a dart-board game, but Hollywood could never be allowed to play...":


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Year:  2014 PT id = 667, Type = non-chem

Stuff Stoners Like Periodic Table

From the Stuff Stoners Like website:

Stuff Stoners Like

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Year:  2010 PT id = 530, Type = non-chem

Super-Hero Periodic Table

From Comics With 70 years of super-hero comics behind us, there have been a lot of super-powers on the printed page -- so many, in fact, that even the most dedicated comics reader can occasionally have a hard time keeping them straight.

That's why ComicsAlliance senior writer Chris Sims took it upon himself to finally get things organized with The Periodic Table of Super-Powers, an arranged listing of 84 common (and decidedly uncommon) characteristics of your favorite super-heroes!

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Year:  2009 PT id = 317, Type = non-chem

Swearing, Periodic Table of

A VERY RUDE Periodic Table of Swearing was available at Modern Toss as a (now sold out) limited edition of 100 prints. Click to zoom in, and read all the very naughty words:

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Year:  2015 PT id = 699, Type = non-chem data

Sweetners: a Periodic Table

A guide to sweeteners By Patterson Clark and Lazaro Gamio, Published: March 2, 2015

Too much sugar can be detrimental to health, rotting teeth, building fat, damaging blood vessels and stressing out the system that regulates blood sugar. Some people turn to artificial sweeteners, but those are under increasing suspicion of creating metabolic problems, such as diabetes and obesity.

Natural alternative sweeteners exist, but even they have pitfalls if consumed in excess.

This sweetners periodic table below, click to enbiggen, charts the wide variety of sweeteners available in the United States, either in bulk amounts or as additives in food.

Not listed are super-sweet-tasting, zero-calorie proteins from several African fruits (monellin, brazzein and thaumatin), which have not been approved for use by the FDA. Also not included: banned or poisonous sweeteners, such as lead acetate, which ancient Romans made by cooking sour wine in lead pots.


Thanks to Marcus Lynch for the tip!

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Year:  2009 PT id = 280, Type = non-chem

Tabla Periódica de las Condfituras: Preserves, Marmalades & Jellies

From Museu de la Confitura comes Tabla Periódica de las Condfituras: Preserves, Marmalades & Jellies:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 649, Type = misc non-chem

Table Lab

The Table Lab with several Periodic Tables:

Animal, Cat, Christmas, Crayon, Dinosaur, Dog, Farm, Mixology, Sushi Bar & USA... as well as Classic:

Table Lab

Thanks to Eric Scerri for the tip!
See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed
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Year:  2010 PT id = 408, Type = non-chem

Teachinghearts Periodic Table

From the Teachinghearts website:

"Science and religion intersect in the realm where the language is signs, symbols and miracles, because only miracles are universally useful as signs. However, each abides by the same set of physical rules and laws making religion or knowledge about God a legitimate science. Religion completes physical scientific knowledge because it further explains the moral rules that govern interpersonal relationships in the mental and spiritual realms. Religion is both very good and very bad at explaining the moral laws such as the ten commandments. However, in this article, we are not attempting to explain those laws, we are attempting to show that the physical laws that science relies on are not incompatible with God. He made them. So physical laws actually reside within the larger realm of spiritual laws..." and heaps more of this tosh...

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Year:  2011 PT id = 488, Type = non-chem

Tetris: How They REALLY Made The Periodic Table

Did you know that the periodic table was constructed during a Tetris session?

We don't know where the first image came from, but a t-shirt is available:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 389, Type = non-chem

Text Message Periodic Table

A Periodic Text Message Table:

And a Periodic Table of Texting:

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Year:  2012 PT id = 497, Type = non-chem

Tour de France – 'le tour des Merveilles'

By, 'le tour des Merveilles' is a visual tribute to a wonderful sporting event, using the iconic periodic table as the framework.

Information is included on each year's Tour de France winning rider. The race was first staged in 1903. The race was the idea of Géo Lefèvre, a journalist with L'Auto magazine. He first discussed the race with his editor at the Taverne Zimmer, a restaurant on the Boulevard de Monmartre. His editor, Henri Desgrange, famously responded, "If I understand you, petit Géo, you're proposing a Tour de France?":

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Year:  2013 PT id = 557, Type = non-chem misc

Twitter Handle Periodic Table

From Stuart Cantrill of Chemical Connections:

So, you're a chemist and you've finally decided to find out what all the fuss is about with this thing called Twitter. You decide to sign up, but, for whatever reason, you don't fancy using your own name. Maybe an element; that would be cool wouldn't it?

You are a chemist after all. Maybe you work with Grubbs' catalyst a lot, and you like the idea of being @ruthenium. Or perhaps Stille/Suzuki/Heck couplings are your thing and so @palladium seems appropriate.

Not into metals? Well why not @fluorine, @helium or @bromine?

Well, I'm sorry to report that all of those are taken, but there are 114 named elements (we're ignoring those ununelementium placeholder names) to choose from. Surely some of the more exotic elements must be there for the taking?

Well, no. Gone. All of 'em.

Thought you'd sneak in and claim one of the two newest additions to the periodic table @flerovium or @livermorium? Sorry, you've been beaten.

Here is the periodic table of Twitter, with all the accounts linked:

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Year:  2009 PT id = 162, Type = non-chem

Typefaces: Popular, Influential, Notorious


"The Periodic Table of Typefaces is obviously in the style of all the thousands of over-sized Periodic Table of Elements posters hanging in schools and homes around the world. This particular table lists 100 of the most popular, influential and notorious typefaces today.

As with traditional periodic tables, this table presents the subject matter grouped categorically. The Table of Typefaces groups by families and classes of typefaces: san-serif, serif, script, blackletter, glyphic, display, grotesque, realist, didone, garalde, geometric, humanist, slab-serif and mixed.

Each cell of the table lists the typeface and a one or two character "symbol" (made up by me simply based on logic), the designer, year designed and a ranking of 1 through 100.

Ranking was determined by statistically sorting and combining lists and opinions from the the sites listed below. The final overall ranking was achieved depending on how many lists the particular typeface was presented on and it's ranking on the lists (if the particular source list used a ranking system; some did not, in which case just the typeface's presence on the list boosted it's overall score.) After averaging the typefaces appearances and rankings a composite score was given and the list was sorted on a spreadsheet then finally given an overall score of 1 through 100 based on it's final resting position."

Read more here.

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Year:  2011 PT id = 393, Type = non-chem

U.S. Presidents Periodic Table

A Periodic Table of U.S. Presidents:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 455, Type = non-chem

Uptime Elements

From a periodic table graphic showing Uptime Elements:

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Year:  2011 PT id = 413, Type = non-chem

Urban Biscuit Myths, Periodic Table of

From a Periodic Table of Urban Biscuit Myths:

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Year:  2021 PT id = 1206, Type = non-chem

USA as Periodic Table Infographic

An periodic table inspired infographic of the USA (from CNN):

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Year:  2009 PT id = 169, Type = non-chem

Video Game Characters

A periodic table of Video Game Characters from IHC:

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Year:  2016 PT id = 980, Type = non-chem

Video of Periodic Table Battleship

A video of Periodic Table Battleship being played:

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Year:  2006 PT id = 174, Type = non-chem

Vienna Chicago Style Hot Dog Condiments

A periodic table of Vienna Chicago Style Hot Dog Condiments:

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Year:  2003 PT id = 92, Type = non-chem

Visualization Methods

Many visualisation methods and techniques used in science, business and technology, from pie charts to entity relationship diagrams. A large selection of these have been very neatly collected together using the periodic table as an organising metaphor. Recommended:

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Year:  2008 PT id = 197, Type = non-chem


A periodic table of vulgarity from The College Humor:

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Year:  2004 PT id = 177, Type = non-chem


A Wasington State periodic table of wine types from Wines of Substance:

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Year:  2013 PT id = 571, Type = non-chem

Wine, Periodic Table of

A Periodic Table of Wine by ComputerGear:

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Year:  2010 PT id = 306, Type = non-chem

Wisdom Table

Periodic Table of the World's Religions & Philosophical Traditions - by Dr. Thomas C. Daffern, Director, IIPSGP - (Copyright 2009).

The Wisdom Pages are hosting a Periodic Table of the Worlds Religious and Philosophical Traditions or Wisdom Table for short. It can be viewed by following the website link below. If you click in any box on the table it takes you to a database behind giving more information. We are still currently adding to this database however it is nearly complete.:

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