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The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables

There are thousands of periodic tables in web space, but this is the only comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. If you know of an interesting periodic table that is missing, please contact the database curator: Mark R. Leach Ph.D.

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Periodic Tables referencing the text string "Ren%26eacute%3B", listed by date:

1875   Concentric Ring Arrangement of Wiik
1885   von Richter's Periodic System of the Elements
1886   Shepard's Natural Classification
1888   Stoney's Spiral Periodic Table
1891   Wendt's Generation-Tree of the Elements
1893   Nechaev's Truncated Cones
1911   Emerson's Periodic Table of Atomic Weights
1917   Friend's Periodic Table (1917)
1918   Cherkesov: Two Periodic Tables
1919   Snyder's Fundamental Periodic Table of The Elements
1921   Formánek's Periodic Table
1923   Fajans' Periodic Table
1923   Deming's Periodic Table With Commentry by Vernon
1926   Friend's Periodic Table (1926)
1930   Gardner's Table of Electronic Configurations of the Elements
1932   Bejerrum's Periodic Table
1935   Rysselberghe's Periodic Table
1940   Hsueh & Chiang's Periodic Properties of the Elements
1945   Talpain's Gnomonic Classification of the Elements
1946   Harrington's Crystal Chemistry of the Periodic System
1947   Ageev's Crystalline Structures of The Elements
1947   Science Service: Two Periodic Tables
1949   Catalan's Periodic System/Sistema Periodico Ampliado
1949   Scherer's Student Model of Spiral Periodic Chart
1950   McCutchon's Simplified Periodic Classification of the Elements
1951   Friend's Updated Periodic Table
1951   Spedding's Rare Earths Periodic Table
1954   Ephraim's Periodic Classification
1956   Walker & Curthoys' New periodic Table Based of Stability of Atomic Orbitals
1958   Landau & Lifshitz's Periodic System of Mendeleev
1958   Weaver & Foster's Laminar Chart of the Elements
1960   International Rectifier Corporation Periodic Table
1962   Scott & Kendal Periodic Table
1963   Hutton's Periodic Table of The Elements
1964   Haward's Periodic Table
1964   Ternström's Periodic Table
1966   Rare Earth Pop Out Periodic Table
1969   Mendeleevian Conference, Periodicity and Symmetries in the Elementary Structure of Matter
1969   Dash's Quantum Table of the Periodic System of Elements
1969   Seel-Klechkovskii Version of Madelung's Rule for Orbital Filling
1969   Martin's Crystal Structure Periodic Table
1970   Pauling's "General Chemistry" Periodic Table
1982   Cement Chemist's Periodic Cube
1983   Periodic Pyramid
1984   Cherkesov: Two Periodic Tables
1987   Variation of Orbital Radii with Atomic Number
1987   Mineralogical-Crystallochemical Classification of Elements
1993   Huheey's Version of The Madelung Rule (For Orbital Filling)
1994   Treplow's Periodic Table of The Atoms
1995   Considine's Polar Periodic Table
2003   Stable Isotopes, Periodic Table of
2007   Seeger-Quadbeck Periodic Table
2007   Bent & Weinhold's 2D/3D Periodic Tables
2018   Beylkin's Periodic Table of The Elements
2018   Kurushkin's 32-Column Periodic Table & Left-step Periodic Table United
2019   Chemical Bonds, Periodic Table of
2019   Slightly Different Periodic Table
2019   Group 3 of The Periodic Table
2019   Abundance by Atomic Number, Z
2020   Vernon's Periodic Table showing the Idealized Solid-State Electron Configurations of the Elements
2020   Correlation of Electron Affinity (F) with Elemental Orbital Radii (rorb)
2020   Periodic Ziggurat of The Elements
2020   Molar Magnetic Susceptibilities, Periodic Table of
2020   Vernon's Periodic Treehouse
2020   Vernon's (Partially Disordered) 15 Column Periodic Table
2020   Shukarev's Periodic System (redrawn by Vernon)
2020   Zig-Zag Line, Periodic Table
2020   16 Dividing Lines Within The Periodic Table
2020   Split s-, p- & d-Block Periodic Table
2021   Understanding Periodic and Non-periodic Chemistry in Periodic Tables
2021   Crustal Abundance vs. Electronegativity
2021   van Spronsen's Periodic Table: Update
2021   Electronegativity: A Three-Part Wave
2021   Vernon's CSF Left-Step Periodic Table
2021   Vernon's Eight-Fold Way Periodic Table
2021   Vernon's ABC Periodic Table
2022   Electronegativity Seamlessly Mapped Onto Various Formulations of The Periodic Table
2022   Vernon's Yin Yang of The Periodic Table
2022   99 Elements Sorted by Density & Electronegativity
2022   Tutti Frutti Periodic Table
2022   Deming's 1923 Periodic Table, Updated by Vernon
2022   777 Periodic Wedding Cake
2022   Periodic Table of Periodic Tables

Year:  1875 PT id = 1136

Concentric Ring Arrangement of Wiik

From page 133 of The Development of the Periodic Law by Venable, Francis Preston (1856-1934), Easton, Pa. Chemical Pub. Co (1896). The full text (scanned) is available from

Venable writes:

Thanks to René for the tip!

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Year:  1885 PT id = 1145

von Richter's Periodic System of the Elements

From page 244 of A Text-book of Inorganic Chemistry by Victor von Richter, Published by Blakiston (US ed. in English, 1885). The full text (scanned) is available from The first edition was published in 1874 in German. von Richter was was from the Baltic region, in the the Russian empire at the time.

von Richter's work is almost certainly the first chemistry textbook based on the periodic system. Many (indeed most) modern Inorganic Chemistry texts follow this format, but NOT the Chemogenesis web book!

von Richter, writes:

Thanks to René for the tip!

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Year:  1886 PT id = 1107

Shepard's Natural Classification

Shepard's Natural Classification of the Elements, a spiral formulation with instructions for turning it into a three-dimensional table. From: Elements of Inorganic Chemistry, Descriptive and Qualitative (pp221), by J. H. Shepard, (1886), Boston MA, pub. D. C. Heath

René Vernon writes:

Note the instructions along the side, to turn the table into a tube (spiral form) and the 19 spaces from La to eka-Ce. Here, Yb needs to be moved back one column into group II, so as to leave room for Lu under La. Then eka-Ce becomes Hf. This results in La + 15 lanthanoids.

The accompanying text says:

"Elements of most distinct basic character are found towards the left; non-metals predominate in the upper and middle parts of Groups V., VI., and VII. ; while the lower part of the table is marked by the more indifferent elements.

"A double spiral will be traced beyond Si (beginning with P and V respectively) and distinguished by heavy-face and light-face type.

"The harmony of nature here exhibited is most impressive. Is it possible that the so-called elements are really compounds? Did the various 'elements' of the earth and sun once exist as hydrogen, when our solar system was a nebula? And will modern chemists ever revive the famed problem of the alchemists, and seek to turn the base metals into gold? Far more precious than gold is the search for truth; and the more we learn of science, the broader becomes our conception of what we know in part, and the deeper should be our reverence for the infinite thought of the Creator."

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Year:  1888 PT id = 1267

Stoney's Spiral Periodic Table

In the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, Volume 85, Issue 580, Aug 1911, p. 472, there is an article On Dr. Johnstone Stoney's Logarithmic Law of Atomic Weights, by Lord Rayleigh (who co-discovered argon in 1894), who writes :

"In the year 1888, Dr. G. Johnstone Stoney communicated to the Society a memoir with title nearly as above, which, however, was not published in full. At the request of the author, who attaches great importance to the memoir, I have recently, by permission of the Council, consulted the original manuscript in the archives of the Society, and I propose to give some extracts, accompanied by a few remarks. The author commenced by plotting the atomic weights of the elements taken as ordinates against a series of natural numbers as abscissæ. But a curve traced through the points thus determined was found to be 'one which has not been studied by mathematicians.

"This sudden transition may have some connection with the fact that no elements have been found on sesqui-radius 16, although the investigation in § 3 shows that the values of m corresponding to the stations on sesqui-radius 16 cannot be dispensed with.

"The vacant places here pointed out are now occupied by the since discovered inert gases. The anticipation is certainly a remarkable one, and it goes far to justify the high claims made for the diagram, as representing in a telling form many of the leading facts of chemistry."

Comment from Mark Leach:

"Notice how the electronegative elements are positioned top right & bottom right and the electropositive elements top left & bottom right."

René Vernon writes:

"Stoney has another article in the September 1902 edition of the The London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, called Law of Atomic Weights, pp. 411–415. At the back of the journal is an updated fold-out version of Stoney’s table, image attached.

"On the page after the updated spiral, there looks to be some printed content, but it is hidden by what looks to be a folded over page."

Thanks to René for the tip!

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Year:  1891 PT id = 1140

Wendt's Generation-Tree of the Elements

From page 244 of The Development of the Periodic Law by Venable, Francis Preston (1856-1934), Easton, Pa. Chemical Pub. Co (1896). The full text (scanned) is available from

Venable writes:

Thanks to René for the tip!

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Year:  1893 PT id = 1151

Nechaev's Truncated Cones

René Vernon (who found this formulation) writes:

This weird and wonderful table appears in Teleshov & Teleshova (2019, p. 230). It is attributed by them to Nechaev (1893) and is apparently discussed by Ipatiev (1904):


Ipat'ev, V. & Sapozhnikov, A. (1904). Kratkij kurs himii po programme voennyh uchilishh [A concise course in chemistry for military academies]. Sankt-Peterburg: tip. V. Demakova.

Nechaev N. P. (1893). Graficheskoe postroenie periodicheskoj sistemy jelementov Mendeleeva. Sposob Nechaeva [Graphic construction of Mendeleev's periodic system of elements. Nechaev's way]. Moskva: tip. Je. Lissnera i Ju. Romana

Teleshov S, Teleshova E.: The international year of the periodic table: An overview of events before and after the creation of the periodic table. In V Lamanauskas (ed.).: Science and technology Education: Challenges and possible solutions. Proceedings of the 3rd International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education, BalticSTE2019, Šiauliai, 17-20 June, 2019. pp. 227-232, (2019)

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Year:  1911 PT id = 1296

Emerson's Periodic Table of Atomic Weights

Emerson BK, Helix chemica: A study of the periodic relations of the elements and their graphic representation, American Chemical Journal, vol. 45, pp. 160–210 (1911). The formulation below appears on page 173; a scanned pdf version of the paper can be viewed here.

René Vernon writes:

Emerson includes two elements before hydrogen: "E" (either the luminiferous ether or the electron) and "Coronium". There are also two elements between hydrogen and helium: "Nebulium" and "Protofluorine".

This is the first time I have seen a PT showing four extra elements and where they are supposed to fit.

After La, Emerson incorporates 13 lanthanides (Ce to Lu) as transition elements into his 7th period.

Emerson missed dysprosium, between Tb and Ho.

"A, B and C" at the bottom right are supposed to be 'halogen emanations'.

Mark Leach adds that Emerson's very odd Periodic Table of Atomic Weights does not actually show any atomic weights.

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Year:  1917 PT id = 1155

Friend's Periodic Table (1917)

H. F. V. Little, A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. IV, Aluminium and its Congeners, including the Rare Earth MetalS (Group III. of the Periodic Table), JN Friend (ed.) Charles Griffin & Company, London (1917), front paper.

Thanks to René Vernon for the tip.

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Year:  1918 PT id = 1260

Cherkesov: Two Periodic Tables

von Bichowsky FR, The place of manganese in the periodic system, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1918, 40, 7, 1040–1046 Publication Date: July 1, 1918 

René Vernon writes:

"In this curious article, von Bichowsky, a physical chemist (1889-1951), mounted an argument for regarding Mn as belonging to group 8 (see table 1 below) rather than group 7 (table 2). His article has effectively been assigned to the dustbin of history, having apparently gathered zero citations over the past 103 years.

"Items of note in his 24-column table:

von Bichowsky made his argument for Mn in group 8, on the following grounds:

I can further add:

Moving forward precisely 100 years, Rayner-Canham (2018) made the following observations:

I've also attached a modern interpretation of von Bichowsky’s table. It's curious how there are eight metals (Fe aside) capable of, or thought to be capable of, achieving +8. I am not sure that a table of this kind with Lu in group 3 is possible, without upsetting its symmetry."

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Year:  1919 PT id = 1293

Snyder's Fundamental Periodic Table of The Elements

Snyder MB 1919, The Fundamental Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements, filed in Congressional Library, Washington.

René Vernon writes:

"Notable for:

Click to enlarge

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Year:  1921 PT id = 1192

Formánek's Periodic Table

Formánek J. 1921, Short Outline of Inorganic Chemistry (in Czech), 2nd ed., Ministerstvo zemedelstvi CSR, Praha. p. 281

René Vernon writes:

Here is an eight column table with some interesting features.

Main groups 0, Ia, IIa, Vb, VIb, and VIIb, correspond to what we have today:

Main group IIIa is B-Al-Sc-Y... Ac whereas these days B-Al have been moved over Ga on electronic grounds. This happened despite the fact that the average trend line for chemical and physical properties v Z going down B-Al-Sc-Y... Ac is more regular.

In main group IV, notice how C and SI are positioned in the middle of the cell, unlike their neighbours to either side. The group thus bifurcates after Si into a Ti branch and a Ge branch. This is quite reasonable since there is not much difference in the average trendlines going down either option. In any case, C-Si came to be moved over Ge again on electronic grounds.

He survived the electronic revolution, staying over Ne.

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Year:  1923 PT id = 1198

Fajans' Periodic Table

Fajans K., Radioactivity and the latest developments in the study of the chemical elements, trans. TS Wheeler, WG King, 4th German edition, Methuen & Co., London, pp. 116-117, 1923.

René Vernon writes: "An addition to the long list of tables with B-Al over Sc."

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Year:  1923 PT id = 1256

Deming's Periodic Table With Commentry by Vernon

René Vernon writes:

Deming's 1923 periodic table is credited with popularizing the 18-column form.

I now see Deming used different thickness sloping lines to represent the different degrees of similarity between the main groups and their corresponding transition metal groups.

When I plot up to 20 chemical properties v Z going down these options I get the following values for the average smoothness of the trendlines:

I would have thought the smoothness for the line between Li-Na and Cu would be < 70%, consistent with Deming’s dashed line. But the thickness of the line would depend on what Deming took into account when he drew it. The common wisdom about groups 1 and 11 is that their similarities are: "confined almost entirely to the stoichiometries (as distinct from the chemical properties) of the compounds in the +1 oxidation state." (Greenwood & Earnshaw 2002, p. 1177). Kneen et al. (1972, p. 521) say that, "the differences between the properties of the group IA and IB elements are those between a strongly and weakly electropositive metal." On this basis I follow Deming’s dashed line. I’ve appended some notes about Group 1 and Group 11.

I have [calculated] a smoothness for C-Si-Ti-Zr-Hf of 86% versus 70% for C-Si-Ge-Sn-Pb. Since Ti shows some transition metal chemistry but not C-Si, it is perhaps plausible to keep C-Si-Ge-Sn-Pb together (as Deming did ).

Deming was a smart author. Nigh on a century later and the metrics check out.

More about group 1 and group 11

There may be a little more to the relationship between Li-Na & Cu-Ag-Au, than is ordinarily appreciated. For example:


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Year:  1926 PT id = 1156

Friend's Periodic Table (1926)

Vallance RH & Eldridge AA, A Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. VII, Part III, Chromium and its Congeners, JN Friend (ed.) Charles Griffin & Company, London (1926), front paper.

René Vernon (who found this formulation) writes:

"I can't recall seeing a table in which the lanthanoids were allocated in quite such a manner: across seven groups. And, 16 such lanthanoids shown. Even curiouser, Argon = A; xenon = X; are shown in group 0. Wonderful nomenclature from nearly a century ago."

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Year:  1930 PT id = 1264

Gardner's Table of Electronic Configurations of the Elements

A table of electronic configurations of the elements. Nature 125, 146 (1930).


"MR. ROY GARDNER gave an interesting paper on A Method of Setting out the Classification of the Elements at a recent meeting of the New Zealand Institute. The paper included the accompanying Table, which shows the distribution of electrons into groups corresponding to the principal quantum numbers for all the elements and at the same time preserves the most essential features of the two-dimensional arrangement of Mendeleef. Elements having the same complete groups (that is, all stable groups of 8 or 18) are placed in the same horizontal row, and the vertical columns include elements with the same number of electrons in the incomplete outer groups. The electronic configurations are those given by Sidgwick ("Electronic Theory of Valency", 1927). An asterisk marks elements for which the 'normal' atom is thought to have only one electron in the outermost group, but as practically all these give divalent ions, the point is of minor interest chemically. Distribution of electrons into k-subgroups is unnecessary; these have at present little significance for chemical purposes, and in any case the subgroups are considered to be filled in order to the maxima 2, 6, and 10."

René Vernon writes:

In this table Gardner emphasises the existence of four types of elements:

    1. those with all "groups" complete
    2. those with one incomplete group
    3. those with two incomplete groups (transition elements)
    4. those with three incomplete groups (rare earth elements)

The upper limits of existence of covalencies of 8, 6, and 4 are marked by heavy horizontal lines.


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Year:  1932 PT id = 1211

Bejerrum's Periodic Table

Bjerrum N, Inorganic chemistry, trans. (1936) from the 3rd Danish edition (1932) by N Bjerrum and RP Bell, William Heinemann, London

René Vernon observes:

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Year:  1935 PT id = 1011

Rysselberghe's Periodic Table

Pierre Van Rysselberghe J. Chem. Educ. vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 474—475 1935.

The author writes:

"The usual relationships between analogous elements are preserved and are in fact emphasized by this new arrangement. The only missing regularity is the natural succession of atomic, numbers, but all periodic classifications have to sacrifice it on account of the rare earths. Moreover, it can easily be restored by reading the horizontal lines n the order indicated by the numbers written on the left of the heavy frame line. Each horizontal line is limited by the frame of the table. For instance, K and Ca on the one hand, Cu and Zn on the other hand, form two distinct horizontal lines, as shown by the different numbers given to these groups. They are at the same level because the valence electrons have the same quantum numbers."

Thanks to René for the tip!

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Year:  1940 PT id = 1262

Hsueh & Chiang's Periodic Properties of the Elements

Hsueh & Chiang, Periodic Properties of the Elements, J. Chinese Chem. Soc., 5, 5, 253-275. See the PDF.

René Vernon writes:

"A mathematical expression of the periodic law was put forward in 1937 in an article by Chin-Fang Hsueh and Ming-Chien Chiang: J Chinese Chem Soc, 5, 263 (In English.) They derived a property equation from which the numerical magnitude of a property P is related to the atomic number Z of the element in question in terms of valence V, a function of the periodic factor y, the principal quantum number n, and two parameters a and p, which are constants for a given family of elements but different for different families."

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Year:  1945 PT id = 1118

Talpain's Gnomonic Classification of the Elements

Talpain PL 1945, Gnomonic classification of elements, J.Phys. Radium 6, 176-181 (in French),

Talpain writes:

"To overcome the drawbacks presented by the various tables in rows and columns into which the classification of chemical elements is usually inserted, the author proposes a diagram in space, having the form of a double pyramid constructed according to a simple arithmetic law, inspired by Greek surveyors. Under these conditions, all the bodies belonging to the same chemical family are placed on the same column, and all those which have similar physical properties (magnetic, electrical, radioactive, crystallographic, rare earths, etc.) are grouped together. This same diagram also makes it possible to represent the electronic structure of the atoms, the quantified states of the electrons, the energy levels and the spectral lines of hydrogen. Perhaps spectroscopists will be able to use it to also represent the lines of other bodies."

Lindsay's Periodic Table

Thanks to René for the tip!

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Year:  1946 PT id = 1088

Harrington's Crystal Chemistry of the Periodic System

R.H. Harrington, The Modern Metallurgy of Alloys, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 143 (1946)

René Vernon writes:

    "The numbers below each element symbol refer to the crystal: 1 = FCC, 9 = graphite structure, 11 = orthorhombic, etc. Extra numbers are for structures at higher temperatures.

    "The wriggly lines between groups 3 and 4, and 11 and 12 refer to a gradation between the classes involved. Wikipedia calls these linking or bridging groups

    "Harrington's class names are novel. [Who would have thought of the elements of groups 1 to 3 as being called the "salts of electrons"?] Then again, "in view of the extensive role that electrons play as anions" Dye (2015) asked: "where should electrons be placed in the periodic table?" (Note: In 1946 Achimof tried answering this, with an electron as element -1 above H and a neutron as element 0 above He.)

    "Aluminium appears in group 3 and group 13 since, according to Harrington, it has the crystalline structure of a true metal. This is not quite true since its crystalline structure shows some evidence of directional bonding.

    "For the transition metals as "wandering bonds", Harrington writes that the metallic bond is spatially undirected and that it may operate between any given atom and an indefinite number of neighbours" (p. 145). Since A-metals are better called, in his mind, "salts of electrons" [and B-metals show signs of significant directional bonding] the transition metals are therefore called by him as wandering bonds. This becomes confusing, however, given d electrons in partially filed d-orbitals of transition metals form covalent bonds with one another.

    "Counting boron as a pseudo metals looks strange.

    "Germanium is counted as a metal: "...the electrical conductivit[y]... [is] sufficiently high to show that the outer electrons are very loosely held and the linkage must be partly metallic in character." (p. 148). In fact the electrical conductivity of high purity germanium, which is a semiconductor, is around 10––1. Compare this with antimony, at 3.1 x–1

    "Tin has brackets around it to show its "renegade" status, "with its white form behaving largely as would a True Metal, whereas its grey form is more non-metallic than metallic." White tin actually has an irregularly coordinated structure associated with incompletely ionised atoms.

    "Thallium and lead have brackets around them since their crystalline structures are supposedly like those of true metals. This is not quite right. While both metals have close-packed structures they each have abnormally large inter-atomic distances that have been attributed to partial ionisation of their atoms.

    "The B-subgroup metals are divided into pseudo metals and hybrid metals. The pseudo metals (groups 11 and 12) behave more like true metals than non-metals. The hybrid metals As, Sb, Bi, Te, Po, At – which other authors would call metalloids – partake about equally the properties of both. According to Harrington, the pseudo metals can be considered related to the hybrid metals through the carbon column.

    "The location of the dividing line between metals and nonmetals, running as it does through carbon to radon is peculiar. The line is usually shown running through boron to astatine."

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    Year:  1947 PT id = 1166

    Ageev's Crystalline Structures of The Elements

    Ageev NV 1947, The nature of the chemical bond in metal alloys (Izdvo Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow/Leningrad, p. 10

    René Vernon writes:

    "In this curious 18-column table, showing the crystalline structures of the elements, Ageev locates the predominately non-metallic groups on the left and the remaining groups on the right.

    "It's odd that he located boron and aluminium on the far left over gallium, rather than over scandium. I suppose he did this so that gallium, indium, and thallium would not be mistaken for d-block metals.

    "Reading from left to right then, Ageev's table could be said to be made up of five blocs:"

    [1] the nonmetallic bloc
    [2] the alkaline bloc
    [3] the inner transition bloc
    [4] the transition metal block
    [5] a post-transition metallic bloc

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    Year:  1947 PT id = 1243

    Science Service: Two Periodic Tables

    A two-sided Science Service periodic table from 1947. The one is listed as "After Bohr", the other as "After Mendeleeff".

    René Vernon writes:

    "Here’s a slightly odd table (with two sides):

      1. The neutron is included in group 0.
      2. Argon is still A; niobium Cb
      3. There's a blank space for Pm (discovered 1945).
      4. The main groups are recognisable, with the exception of group 3 as B-Al-Sc-Y-La. The other side of the table lists B-Al as being analogous to Sc-Y-La, rather than Ga-In-Tl.
        The former option works better than the latter in terms of the quantitative smoothness of chemico-physical trend lines going down the group."

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    Year:  1949 PT id = 1052

    Catalán's Periodic System/Sistema Periodico Ampliado

    Two versions of Catalán's Periodic System/Sistema Periodico Ampliado. The first from C.E. Moore 1949, Atomic Energy Levels, National Bureau of Standards, Circular no. 467, Washington DC, vol. 1, table 25 (1949) and the second as referenced here:

    René Vernon, who provided the graphics, writes:

    "I feel the footnote along the base of the first table could merit better attention being drawn to it. It says:

    This arrangement is by Catalán. The electrons indicated in column two that are connected by braces have approximately the same binding energy. Consequently, for some elements one type of electron is preferred over another in the normal configuration, as for example, Cr, Cb, Pd, La, Ac, Th.

    "The connecting braces hone in on the source of much of the controversy concerning notions of an ideal, optimal, better, this or that, or fundamental periodic table. I can't recall seeing a table with such a feature. For the second table, turning it on its side (attached) reminds of the ADOMAH [formulation].

    Click on the images to enlarge:

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1949 PT id = 1018

    Scherer's Student Model of Spiral Periodic Chart

    George A. Scherer, New Aids for Teaching the Periodic Law, School Science and Mathematics, vol. 49, no. 2 (1949).

    René Vernon writes:

    "This is a Left-Step periodic table with a split d-block, that can be rearranged into a cylinder. Students were expected to keep a copy of the two halves of the table in their note books, for reassembly as required. It was a clever way of introducing the 32-column form, and the transition from 2D to 3D (that faded into obscurity)":

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1950 PT id = 1119

    McCutchon's Simplified Periodic Classification of the Elements

    McCutchon KB, A simplified periodic classification of the elements, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 17–19 (1950)

    This 3-dimensional table has two double-sided flaps attached. The top flap is the f bock. Under that is the d block.

    The superscripts denote the number of d electrons an element has. Thus, La1 is shown as being an f1 element. But it has a 1 superscript, meaning that the f electron count is reduced by 1 and the d electron count is 1.

    René Vernon writes:

    "On group 3, McCutchon cryptically says: The proposed arrangement brings out certain known facts about the tertiary elements which are rarely shown by other arrangements. For example, it suggests, correctly, that the resemblance between yttrium and lutecium is greater than that between yttrium and lanthanum. It classifies lanthanum but not lutecium as a rare earth, in accordance with their chemical properties (which also contradict spectrographic evidence at this point). It also demonstrates the tetravalence of both cerium and thorium, and that thorium and protactinium show a resemblance in chemical properties to zirconium and niobium, as well as to hafnium and tantalum."

    I say "cryptically" because McCutchon presents no further evidence in support of his assertion that the resemblance between Y and Lu is greater than between Y and La. He may have had in mind the fact that Lu is more often found in ores of Y than is the case for La... and I don't understand his reference to spectrographic evidence.

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    Year:  1951 PT id = 1245

    Friend's Updated Periodic Table

    René Vernon writes:

    "This 1951 table succeeds Friend’s table of 1926. Notice how Pu, Am, and Cm have been assigned to group VIII. The splitting of the Ln across two periods is bizarre."

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    Year:  1951 PT id = 1272

    Spedding's Rare Earths Periodic Table

    Ref: Spedding FH 1951 The Rare Earths, Scientific American, vol. 185, no. 5, pp. 26–31

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1954 PT id = 1255

    Ephraim's Periodic Classification

    Ephraim F 1954, Inorganic Chemistry, 6th ed., Oliver and Boyd, London (revised by PCL Thorne and ER Roberts)

    René Vernon writes that items of interest include:

    • The position of H "Which [according to Ephraim] is difficult to place in this table in a satisfactory manner", outside of the main body of the periodic table, "remote from both Li and F, well removed from C, and above He and the inert gases"
    • The old school location of B-Al in Group IIIa
    • C-Si belong to both Ti-Zr-Hf-Th and Ge-Sn-Pb
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    Year:  1956 PT id = 1009

    Walker & Curthoys' New periodic Table Based of Stability of Atomic Orbitals

    By W. R. Walker and G. C. Curthoys, A new periodic table based on the energy sequence of atomic orbitals, J. Chem. Educ., 1956, 33 (2), p 69.

    The abstract states:

    "Since the theory of atomic and molecular orbitals has proven to be of such value in interpreting the data of inorganic chemistry, it is hoped that a new periodic table based on the energy sequence of atomic orbitals will be an aid to the further systematizing of chemical knowledge."

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1958 PT id = 1148

    Landau & Lifshitz's Periodic System of Mendeleev

    L.D. Landau & E.M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics (Volume 3 of A Course of Theoretical Physics), pages 255-258. (Note: First published in English in 1958, the link is to the 1963 3rd ed. of the English version translated from Russian.)

    René Vernon writes:

    The authors discuss aspects of the periodic system of D I Mendeleev. The electron configurations of hydrogen & helium are briefly noted. This is followed by three tables setting out the electron configurations of the s, p, d & f elements.

    Some extracts from the text follow:

    "The elucidation of the nature of the periodic variation of properties, observed in the series of elements when they are placed in order of increasing atomic number, requires an examination of the peculiarities in the successive completion of the electron shells of atoms." (p. 252)

    "Many properties of atoms (including the chemical properties of elements...) depend principally on the outer regions of the electron envelopes." (p. 254)

    "The elements containing complete d and f shells (or not containing these shells at all) are called elements of the principal groups; those in which the filling up of these states is actually in progress are called elements of the intermediate groups. These groups of elements are conveniently considered separately." (p. 254)

    "We see that the occupation of different states occurs very regularly in the series of elements of the principal groups: first the s states and then the p states are occupied for each principal quantum number n. The electron configurations of the ions of these elements are also regular (until electrons from the d and f shells are removed in the ionisation): each ion has the configuration corresponding to the preceding atom. Thus, the Mg+ ion has the configuration of the sodium atom, and the Mg++ ion that of neon." (p. 255)

    "Let us now turn to the elements of the intermediate groups. The filling up of the 3d, 4d, and 5d shells takes place in groups of elements called respectively the iron group, the palladium group and the platinum group. Table 4 gives those electron configurations and terms of the atoms in these groups that are known from experimental spectroscopic data. As is seen from this table, the d shells are filled up with considerably less regularity than the s and p shells in the atoms of elements of the principal groups. Here a characteristic feature is the 'competition' between the s and d states."

    "This lack of regularity is observed in the terms of ions also: the electron configurations of the ions do not usually agree with those of the preceding atoms. For instance, the V+ ion has the configuration 3d4 (and not 3d24s2 like titanium) ; the Fe+ ion has 3d64s1 (instead of 3d54s2 as in manganese)."

    "A similar situation occurs in the filling up of the 4f shell; this takes place in the series of elements known as the rare earths. † The filling up of the 4f shell also occurs in a slightly irregular manner characterised by the 'competition' between 4f, 5d and 6s states."

    "† In books on chemistry, lutetium is also usually placed with the rare-earth elements. This, however, is incorrect, since the 4f shell is complete in lutetium; it must therefore be placed in the platinum group."

    "The last group of intermediate elements begins with actinium. In this group the 6d and 5f shells are filled, similarly to what happens in the group of rare-earth elements." (p. 256–257)

    The authors exclude lanthanum from the rare earths since the 4f shell has not started filling. Yet actinium and thorium are included by them with what we now call the actinoids even though these two metals have no f electrons. No explanation is provided for this puzzling lack of consistency with their categories.

    René Vernon writes: I have joined up their one note and three tables. (Curium was the last known element at their time of writing; transcurium elements are shown in parentheses.):

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    Year:  1958 PT id = 1263

    Weaver & Foster's Laminar Chart of the Elements

    Weaver EC & Foster LS 1960, Chemistry For Our Times. 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 382

    René Vernon writes:

    An earlier version of this table appeared in JChemEd in 1949. The authors then wrote:

    "It is apparently difficult to give a proper idea of electronic configuration in two dimensions without spreading out vertically or horizontally, and thereby sacrificing the order of atomic number, or compactness, or both. In three dimensions it is entirely feasible, but the first reaction is to discard three dimensions as too awkward. The laminar chart here proposed seems to the authors to possess the advantages of both the two dimensional and three dimensional charts and to have none of their disadvantages.

    "A minor feature of the table, introduced for reasons of expediency, is the artificial break between the first and the second main shell. Use is made of this space to print the traditional group headings, I A, III A, IVB, etc., which are firmly entrenched in the literature, and still find active use as classifying labels. Other objects in making the artificial break were to minimize the resemblance between hydrogen and the alkali metals and to emphasize helium's character as an inert gas (completed 1s subshell), rather than, as might otherwise be supposed, a member of the alkaline earth family.


    "By another modification, constructing the Periodic Chart in the form of contour laminae, it is possible to represent actual energy levels without the necessity of referring to auxiliary tables. This is done by proportioning the rises between each subshell to correspond to the Pauling energy diagram. Thus, although the subshells having the same principal quantum number will be on the same contour lamina, they will not be on the same planar level. The recognition of these contour laminae is facilitated by the use of a different color for each one. A table of this type will then be more physically correct than the previous laminar models, and it is a question as to which form has the most practical utility.

    "We believe that the laminar periodic tables, in either the original or a modified form, will greatly facilitate systematic teaching of the properties of the chemical elements. Students indoctrinated with the new system cannot fail to obtain a clearer and more lasting conception of the fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry."

    Note the 4f and 5f series have been split into dyads of seven apiece. This is consistent with Shchukarev (1974, p. 118) who wrote that the filling sequence among the 4f metals is periodic, with two periods. Thus, after the occurrence of a half-full 4f subshell at europium and gadolinium, the filling sequence repeats with the occurrence of a full subshell at ytterbium and lutetium (Rokhlin 2003, pp. 4–5). A similar, but weaker, periodicity (Wiberg 2001, pp. 1643–1645) is seen in the actinoids, with a half-full 5f subshell at americium and curium, and a full subshell at nobelium and lawrencium.

    Note that Zn, Cd, Lu and Hg have no electron numbers above them since the underlying shells were filled at Cu, Cd, Yb, and Au respectively.

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    Year:  1960 PT id = 1012

    International Rectifier Corporation Periodic Table

    International Rectifier Corporation was an American power management technology company manufacturing analog and mixed-signal ICs, advanced circuit devices, integrated power systems, and high-performance integrated components for computing. It is now part of Infineon Technologies.

    The periodic table below was produced in the late 1950s to early 1960s. The earliest version we can find on the web dates from 1960.

    Click to enlarge.

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1962 PT id = 1177

    Scott & Kendal Periodic Table

    René Vernon shows an extract from Scott E.C. & Kendal F.A., The Nature of Atoms & Molecules: A General Chemistry. Harper & Row, New York, 1962 pp 385, categorising the metals.

    Rather than providing a holistic treatment of the nonmetals, the authors take a group-by-group approach.

    Items of interest: Al over Sc; the split between groups 3 and 3; and the inclusion of Pt with the soft metals.

    On the right is my add-on for the nonmetals, plus extracts from the literature speaking to the analogies between the four metal and four nonmetal categories.

    Click to enlarge

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    Year:  1963 PT id = 1249

    Hutton's Periodic Table of The Elements

    Hutton, K 1963, Chemistry: The Conquest of Materials, Penguin Books. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, pp. 38–39

    René Vernon writes:

    "Hutton shows:

    • H over F
    • the lanthanides under Y
    • fifteen uranides under W (Hutton says they have, "properties increasingly similar to one another".)

    Hutton refers to group 6A (Cr, Mo, W) as the "steel hardening" elements".

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    Year:  1964 PT id = 1006

    Haward's Periodic Table

    Roger Hayward created this periodic table for the book: Pauling & Hayward, p4, The Architecture of Molecules, W H Freeman and Company, San Francisco (1964).

    From The Pauling Blog:

    "By the end of the 1950s, Roger Hayward had retired from his professional work as an architect at the same time that his career as an illustrator was reaching its peak. Hayward signed a contract in the early 1960s that helped to solidify his position as a technical artist. The contract that Hayward signed was with W.H. Freeman & Company, a San Francisco-based publishing house that rose out of relative obscurity primarily by publishing Linus Pauling's hugely popular textbook, General Chemistry."

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1964 PT id = 1271

    Ternström's Periodic Table

    Ref: A Periodic Table, Torolf Ternström, J. Chem. Educ. 1964, 41, 4, 190

    René Vernon writes:

    "Ternström gives us a triple-combo table drawing on the advantages of:

    The outcome resembles the left step form of Janet (1928).

    Some interesting features of Ternström's formulation are:

    • a period 0 containing the neutrino and neutron
    • element number "00" for "v" suggests the neutrino has neither nuclear charge nor mass while "0" for Nn implies no nuclear charge
    • regular period lengths of 2-2-8-8-18-18-32-32
    • hydrogen has no direct relationship with a group, only secondary relationships with groups A1 and A7
    • germanium, a semiconductor, is counted as a metal
    • all groups numbered, where A = representative; B = transition
    • C = Ln/An; analogous "transition" groups in the d-block (B8) and the f-block (C6)
    • double periodicity among the Ln and An; and
    • 25 columns wide i.e 18 + 32 = 50/2 = 25"
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    Year:  1966 PT id = 1265

    Rare Earth Pop Out Periodic Table

    From Rare Earths, The Fraternal Elements by Karl A. Gschneidner Jr., United States Atomic Energy Commission Division of Technical Information Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 65-60546 1964; 1966 (Rev.)

    There is an interesting point made in the text concerning the term "Rare Earths":

    "The name rare earths is actually a misnomer for these elements are neither rare nor earths. They are metals, and they are quite abundant. Cerium, which is the most abundant, ranks 28th in the abundances of the naturally occurring elements and is more plentiful than beryllium, cobalt, germanium, lead, tin, or uranium. The least abundant naturally occurring rare earth, thulium, is more plentiful than cadmium, gold, iodine, mercury, platinum, or silver. Indeed, 25% of the elements are scarcer than thulium."

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1969 PT id = 1146

    Mendeleevian Conference, Periodicity and Symmetries in the Elementary Structure of Matter

    Atti del Convegno mendeleeviano : periodicità e simmetrie nella struttura elementare della materia : Torino-Roma, 15-21 settembre 1969 / [editor M. Verde] Torino : Accademia delle Scienze di Torino ; Roma : Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1971 VIII, 460 p.

    Google Translate: Proceedings of the Mendeleevian Conference: periodicity and symmetries in the elementary structure of matter: Turin-Rome, 15-21 September 1969 / [editor M. Verde] Turin: Turin Academy of Sciences; Rome: National Academy of the Lincei, 1971 VIII, 460 p.

    From the Internet Archive, the scanned book. Papers are in Italian & English.

    For the 100th Anniversary of Mendeleev's iconic periodic table, a conference was held to look at (review) the elementary structure of matter. The 1960s saw huge developments in particle physics, including the theory of quarks. Papers were presented by many notable scientists including John Archibald Wheeler and the Nobel laureates: Emilio Segrè & Murray Gell-Mann.

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1969 PT id = 1010

    Dash's Quantum Table of the Periodic System of Elements

    Harriman H. Dash, A quantum table of the periodic system of elementsInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry, vol. 3, no. S3A, supplement: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, and Solid?state Theory and Quantum Biology, 13/18 January 1969, pp. 335–340.

    The abstract reads:

    "The shortcomings of the long form of the periodic table of the chemical elements and the evident need for updating this format are briefly reviewed. To the question 'what format?' quantum physics provides an unequivocal answer. The foundations for the design of a quantum table are outlined. These are based on the principal quantum number as derived from the Schroedinger wave equation, the law of second order constant energy differences, and the coulomb–momentum interaction. These concepts are all combined into a single format which optimally and explicitly relates periodicity to atomic structure and the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the elements. This relationship emphasizes the unity and universality of all sciences."

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1969 PT id = 1270

    Seel-Klechkovskii Version of Madelung's Rule for Orbital Filling

    Seel F., Bild der Wissenschaft, 6, 44 (1969), a monthly popular scientific journal.

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1969 PT id = 1273

    Martin's Crystal Structure Periodic Table

    Ref: Martin JW 1969, Elementary Science of Metals, Wykeham Publications, London

    René Vernon writes:

    Note the unusual placement of La-Ac in two places, under Y and before Ce-Th. On another aspect, Martin writes:

    "The non-metals, which occupy the top right-hand corner of the Periodic Table... form about one-sixth of all elements, and they are characterized by having melting-points and boiling points below about 500°C, and by having their solid and liquid phases not conducting electricity. About two-thirds of all elements are metals, and a further one sixth have properties intermediate between those of metals and non-metals."

    His approach to the question of which elements are metals and non-metals, and which are intermediate may be the most useful "rough-and-ready" rubric I've seen. It is remarkable for its use of four criteria.

    Perhaps we can then parse the elements as follows

    Non-metals (16) = 15.5%
    Fluids: H, N, O, F, Cl, Br; He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn 2
    Solids: P, S, Se*, I

    Intermediate (16) = 15.5%
    Metalloids: B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te
    Near metalloids: C, At 3
    Sub-metalloids: Al, Ga, In, Tl; Sn, Pb; Bi; Po

    Metals (71) = 68.9%
    Be,^ Zn^
    All the rest

    ^ Borderline intermediate

    Dingle (2017, The Elements: An Encyclopedic Tour of the Periodic Table, Quad Books, Brighton, p. 101) puts the situation this way:

    "...the gap between the two extremes [of metals and nonmetals] is bridged... by the poor metals, and... the metalloids – which, perhaps by the same token, might collectively be renamed the poor non-metals.

    Redrawn by Vernon:

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1970 PT id = 1007

    Pauling's "General Chemistry" Periodic Table

    From Linus Pauling's General Chemistry (3rd Ed.). Notice that the noble gases apear twice, at the beginning and the end of each period.

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1982 PT id = 49

    Cement Chemist's Periodic Cube

    Periodic table designed in the style of a cube by J. Francis Young, Professor of Civil and Ceramic Engineering, University of Illinois. This table was published by Instruments for Research and Industry and includes instructions for assembly into a 3-D model.

    More information, including high resolution files, at the Science History Institute.

    Thanks to René Vernon for the tip!

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    Year:  1983 PT id = 50

    Periodic Pyramid

    Periodic table designed in the style of a pyramid by Charles E. Gragg. This table was published by Instruments for Research and Industry and includes instructions for assembly into a 3-D model.

    More information, including high resolution files, at the Science History Institute.

    Thanks to René Vernon for the tip!

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    Year:  1984 PT id = 1258

    Cherkesov: Two Periodic Tables

    Cherkesov AI 1984, Ionization energy of 1-6 p-electrons and formation enthalpies of lutetium and lawrencium halides. Position of these elements in Periodic system, Radiokhimiya, vol. 26, no. 1, p. 53?60 (in Russian),

    René Vernon writes:

    "Two Russian offerings, the first is Mendeleev style, including He over Be and the integration of the Ln and An into the main body of the table.

    "The second is the first time I have seen a genuine right step table, albeit at the expense of the numbers going backwards, and the non-intuitive group numbering scheme. Bonus marks for out-of-the box thinking."

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    Year:  1987 PT id = 1115

    Variation of Orbital Radii with Atomic Number

    From Jour. Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Ser. IV. vol. 22, no. 2, Aug., 1987, pp. 357-385, The Connection Between the Properties of Elements and Compounds; Mineralogical-Crystallochemical Classification of Elements by Alexander A. Godovikov & Yu Hariya.

    The analyses of the variations of the orbital atomic radii values (rorb) with the increase of the atomic number (Z) allow establishment of the following recurring regularities of their change:

    Click image below to enlarge:

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1987 PT id = 1116

    Mineralogical-Crystallochemical Classification of Elements

    From Jour. Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Ser. IV. vol. 22, no. 2, Aug., 1987, pp. 357-385, The Connection Between the Properties of Elements and Compounds; Mineralogical-Crystallochemical Classification of Elements by Alexander A. Godovikov & Yu Hariya.

    Any mineralogical-crystallochemical classification of elements must provide answers to the following queries:

    1. Which type of compounds certain elements will prefer to form under given conditions of mineral genesis (elementary substance, chalcogenide, oxide, oxysalt, etc.,)
    2. Whether the element will play a role of a cation or anion of a certain valency
    3. Which type of chemical bond the resulting mineral compound will have

    Click images below to enlarge:

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  1993 PT id = 1268

    Huheey's Version of The Madelung Rule (For Orbital Filling)

    Huheey, J.E., Keiter, E.A., Keiter, R.L.: Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity. 4th edn. HarperCollins College Publishers (1993), p. 22

    René Vernon comments: "A peculiar depiction of the Madelung Rule order of filling diagram."

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    Year:  1994 PT id = 1159

    Treplow's Periodic Table of The Atoms

    R.S. Treplow, J. Chem. Educ. 1994, 71, 12, 1007: The Periodic Table of Atoms: Arranging the Elements by a Different Set of Rules.

    "Although periodic tables differ greatly in their appearance, examination shows they are all designed according to a common set of conventions. This paper reviews those conventions and asks how the table would look under a different set of rules."

    Ground-state multiplicity vs. atomic number for elements 1 to 103. Subblocks are labeled S, P, D & F. Lines connecting the dots show the "ideal" pattern. Atoms not on the lines are "nonideal" (where ideal refers to Madelung's rule):

    Thanks to René Vernon for his help.

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    Year:  1995 PT id = 1292

    Considine's Polar Periodic Table

    From: Considine DM (ed.) 1995, Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia of Science, 8th ed. New York, p. 2376

    René Vernon writes:

    "A nice design but of quite limited practical utility for quick reference or detailed chemical analysis."

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    Year:  2003 PT id = 1150

    Stable Isotopes, Periodic Table of

    From Boeyens, JCA 2003, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 257, 33 a periodic table of the 264 stable isotopes arranged as an 11 x 24 matrix.

    Click the image to enlarge:

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  2007 PT id = 1282

    Seeger-Quadbeck Periodic Table

    Seeger-Quadbeck H-J 2007, World of the Elements Elements of the World, Wiley-VCH, Wienheim, inside cover.

    René Vernon, who provided the graphic, writes:

    "An example of a rarely seen 32-column table. The categorisation scheme is interesting.

    • Hydrogen is a category of its own.
    • The semimetals include selenium and astatine.
    • There is no separate category for the halogen nonmetals.
    • On page 100 the author refers to the inner occupation of the TM and Ln/An being particularly clear."
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    Year:  2007 PT id = 1021

    Bent & Weinhold's 2D/3D Periodic Tables

    From a paper by Henry Bent & Frank Weinhold, J. Chem. Educ., 2007, 84, 7, 1145 and here. The authors write in the abstract:

    "The periodic table epitomizes chemistry, and evolving representations of chemical periodicity should reflect the ongoing advances in chemical understanding. In this respect, the traditional Mendeleev-style table appears sub-optimal for describing a variety of important higher-order periodicity patterns that have become apparent in the post-Mendeleevian quantal era. In this paper we analyze the rigorous mathematical origins of chemical periodicity in terms of the quantal nodal features of atomic valence orbitals, and we propose a variety of alternative 2D/3D display symbols, tables, and models.":

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  2018 PT id = 1202

    Beylkin's Periodic Table of The Elements

    René Vernon writes: Beylkin's Periodic Table of The Elements has 4n2 periods, where n = 2,3..., and shows symmetry, regularity, and elegance, more so than Janet's left step table.

    Beylkin (an applied mathematician) writes:

    "Let us take a continuous strip of paper and, on one side of the strip, write all the elements in the order of their atomic numbers. We then form a spiral with the strip such that the two most chemically distinct groups, the group of halogens (in which we include hydrogen) and the group of noble gases, are properly aligned. By flattening the strip on a plane and folding it in the middle, we obtain the new periodic table..."

    Other features:

    There are four new(ish) groups: Ti-Zr-Ce-Th, V-Nb-Pr-Pa, Cr-Mo-Nd-U and Mn-Tc-Pm-Np. For the actinide elements of these groups, the resemblance of the earlier actinides to their lighter transition metal congeners is well known. For the lanthanide elements, Johansson et al. (2014) wrote a nice article about Ce and its cross-road position. For Pr, Nd, and Pm, all of these are known in multiple oxidations states (+2, +3, +4 excl. Pm, and +5 for Pr only), just as the transitions metals are so known.

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    Year:  2018 PT id = 1261

    Kurushkin's 32-Column Periodic Table & Left-step Periodic Table United

    Dr Mikhail V. Kurushkin, 32-column Periodic Table & Left-step Periodic Table United:

    The pursuit of optimal representation of the Periodic Table has been a central topic of interest for chemists, physicists, philosophers and historians of science for decades (Leigh, 2009; Scerri, 2009). Should the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements first and foremost serve the needs of chemists as implied by its name? Or should it start from considerations of before quantum mechanics and thus be more appealing to physicists (Scerri, 2010, 2012b)? Is there a representation which overcomes this problem? The Periodic Table is from a fundamental point of view a graphic representation of periodicity as a phenomenon of nature. While the 32-column Periodic Table, popularized by Glenn T. Seaborg, is considered by chemists the most scientifically correct representation (Scerri, 2012a), physicists apparently prefer the Left-step Periodic Table above all (Scerri, 2005; Stewart, 2010). Alternatively, it is suggested that a rigorously fundamental representation of periodicity could only take the form of a spiral as, evidently, the abrupt periods of 2-D Periodic Tables contradict the gradual increase of atomic number, and the spiral representation reconciles this debate (Imyanitov, 2016). An optimal representation is eagerly sought after both for the needs of philosophy of chemistry and chemical education as their never-ending dialogue secures a thorough methodology of chemistry. The aim of the present work is to show that the 32-column Periodic Table and the Left-step Periodic Table can co-exist in mutual tolerance in a form of what Philip Stewart has already called Kurushkin’s Periodic Table (Kurushkin, 2017), Figure 1 below.

    René Vernon writes:

    "Kurushkin reminds us that the Janet left step table (with Sc-Y-Lu-Lr, and He over Be), and the version of the table with the s-elements on the right (also with Sc-Y-Lu-Lr, and He over Be) are interchangeable.

    "For an earlier paywall version which includes a short video see:

    Kurushkin M 2018, Building the periodic table based on the atomic structure, Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 94, no. 7, pp. 976–979,

    "Kurushkin’s interchangeable approach extends to tables with group 3 as either Sc-Y-La-Ac or Sc-Y-Lu-Lr. See Vernon's Yin Yang of The Periodic Table"

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    Year:  2019 PT id = 1027

    Chemical Bonds, Periodic Table of

    The Max Planck Society (M-P-G, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) has an article about the hidden structure of the periodic system.

    Guillermo Restrepo, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences:

    "A periodic table of chemical bonds: Each of the 94 circles with chemical element symbols represents the bond that the respective element forms with an organic residue. The bonds are ordered according to how strongly they are polarized. Where there is a direct arrow connection, the order is clear: Bonds of hydrogen, for example, are more polarized than bonds of boron, phosphorus, and palladium. The same applies to rubidium in comparison to caesium, which has particularly low polarized bonds and is therefore at the bottom of the new periodic table. If there is no direct arrow between two elements, they may still be comparable – if there is a chain of arrows between them. For example, the bonds of oxygen are more polarized than the bonds of bromine. Bonds represented by the same colour have the same binding behaviour and belong to one of the 44 classes.":

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  2019 PT id = 1028

    Slightly Different Periodic Table

    The Max Planck Society (M-P-G, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) has an article about the hidden structure of the periodic system.

    Guillermo Restrepo, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences:

    "A slightly different periodic table: The table of chemical elements, which goes back to Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer, is just one example of how objects – in this case the chemical elements – can be organized in such a system. The researchers from Leipzig illustrate the general structure of a periodic table with this example: The black dots represent the objects ordered by the green arrows. Using a suitable criterion, the objects can be classified into groups (dashed lines) in which the red arrows create a sub-order":

    Thanks to René for the tip!

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    Year:  2019 PT id = 1046

    Group 3 of The Periodic Table

    There are several ways in which the 'common/modern medium form' periodic table are shown with respect to the Group 3 elements and how the f-block is shown. Indeed, there is even some dispute about which elements constitute Group 3. There are three general approaches to showing Group 3:

    (See Scerri's take and Thyssen's view on this matter.)

    So, which one of the three options is 'better'?

    The general feeling amongst the knowledgeable is that leaving a gap is not an option, so it comes down to:

    Sc, Y, La, Ac     vs.     Sc, Y, Lu, Lr

    René Vernon has looked as the properties of the potential Group 3 elements, including: densities, 1st ionisation energies, ionic radii, 3rd ionisation energies, melting points & electron affinity:

    Figure 1 shows that a Z plot of the density values for Sc, Y, La, Lu Ac and Lr follows a smooth trendline.

    Figure 2 shows that a Z plot of the first ionization energy values follows a smooth trendline.

    Figure 3 shows that a Z plot of the 6-coordinate ionic radii for the subject elements bifurcates after Y into an -La-Ac tranche (R2 = 0.99) and a -Lu-Lr branch (0.61). The trendline for -La-Ac is smoother.

    Figure 4 shows a Z plot of 3rd ionisation energy values bifurcating after Y into a -Lu-Lr tranche (R2 = 0.83) and a -La-Ac branch (0.98). The trendline for -La-Ac is smoother.

    Figure 5 shows that a Z plot of the melting points bifurcates after Y into an -Lu-Lr (R2 = 0.72) tranche and a -La-Ac (0.71) branch. While the fit values for the two options are comparable, -Lu-Lr is preferred since Y and La show a greater departure from trend.

    Figure 6 has a Z plot of electron affinity values bifurcating after Y into an -La-Ac tranche (R2 = 0.85) and a -Lu-Lr branch (0.99).[iii] The trendline supports Lu-Lr. The trend-lines by themselves are inconclusive: two show no difference; two support -La-Ac; two support -Lu-Lr.

    Upon reviewing the data, René's comment is that: "The net result is that the two options seem inseparable" and he proposes that IUPAC adopt the following periodic table numbering system:

    Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff's [of the Periodic Videos YouTube channel & Nottiningham University] take on this matter:

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    Year:  2019 PT id = 1178

    Abundance by Atomic Number, Z

    An article in De Gruyter Conversations: The Periodic Table & The Lanthanides by Simon Cotton has this interesting chart of elemental abundance with respect to 106 atoms of Si.

    The image source is

    Thanks to René Vernon for the tip.

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1114

    Vernon's Periodic Table showing the Idealized Solid-State Electron Configurations of the Elements

    René Vernon writes:

    "I've attached a periodic table showing the solid-state electron configurations of the elements. Among other things, it provides a first order explanation as to why elements such as Ln (etc.) like the +3 oxidation state.

    "The table includes two versions of the f-block, the first starting with La-Ac; the second with Ce-Th. The table with the first f-block version has 24 anomalies [with respect to Madelung's rule]; the table with the second f-block version has 10 anomalies.

    "In the case of the Sc-Y-La-Ac form, I wonder if such a solid-state table is more relevant these days than a table based on gas phase configurations, which has about 20 anomalous configurations.

    "Partly we use gas phase configurations since, as Eric Scerri mentioned to me elsewhere, configurations were first obtained (~100 years ago?) from spectroscopy, and this field primarily deals with gas phase atoms. That said, are gas phase configurations still so relevant these days – for this purpose – given the importance of solid-state physics?

    "I've never been able to find a periodic table of solid-state electron configurations. Perhaps that has something to do with it? Then again, surely I'm not the first person to have drawn one of these?"

    Click image below to enlarge:

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1117

    Correlation of Electron Affinity (F) with Elemental Orbital Radii (rorb)

    From Jour. Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Ser. IV. vol. 22, no. 2, Aug., 1987, pp. 357-385, The Connection Between the Properties of Elements and Compounds; Mineralogical-Crystallochemical Classification of Elements by Alexander A. Godovikov & Yu Hariya and expanded by René Vernon who writes.

    René Vernon writes:

    I was delighted to read about two properties that account for nearly everything seen in the periodic table.

    Two properties
    While researching double periodicity, I happened upon an obscure article, which simply correlates electron affinity with orbital radius, and in so doing reproduces the broad contours of the periodic table. Having never thought much about the value or significance of EA, and its absence of easily discernible trends, I was suitably astonished. The authors left out the Ln and An and stopped at Bi. They were sitting on a gold mine but provided no further analysis.

    I added the data up to Lr, updated the EA values, and have redrawn their graph. It is a thing of beauty and wonderment in its simplest sufficient complexity and its return on investment. I've appended 39 observations, covering all 103 elements.


    So there it is, just two properties account for nearly everything.

    Click images below to enlarge:

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1147

    Periodic Ziggurat of The Elements

    By René Vernon, the Periodic Ziggurat of the Elements. Click to enlarge:

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1157

    Molar Magnetic Susceptibilities, Periodic Table of

    Periodic Table of Molar Magnetic Susceptibilities by René Vernon, who writes:

    I had read that the lanthanides were characterised by their magnetic properties, but never fully appreciated what this means. To this end, here is a table of Molar Magnetic Susceptibility (MMS) values (χ) for the elements, where MMS is a measure of how much a material will become magnetised in an applied magnetic field.

    Formally, MMS is the ratio of magnetisation M (magnetic moment per unit volume) to the applied magnetising field of intensity H, allowing a simple classification into two categories of most materials responses to an applied magnetic field:

    Alignment with the magnetic field, χ > 0, gives rise to paramagnetism
    Alignment against the magnetic field, &chi; < 0, gives rise to diamagnetism

    Six observations:

    1. The average value for each block is:

    • s 20
    • p –35
    • d 125
    • 4f 46,000
    • 5f 522

    2. Lanthanides having unpaired 4f metals (Ce to Tm) have magnetic susceptibilities two to four orders of magnitude larger than those of "normal" metals.

    3. Mn (511), Pd (540), O (3415) [this is actually the triplet diradical molecule O2] & Bi (-280) stand out. [A magnetic cross would be good for repelling a bismuth vampire.]

    4. MMS reduces going down all groups of the d-block. The average reduction going from 4d to 5d is 50%.

    5. In group 3 there is a reduction of 48% on going from Y to La. If Lu is instead placed under Y the reduction is 2%.

    6. There are at least six, rather than three, ferromagnetic metals.

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1161

    Vernon's Periodic Treehouse

    René Vernon's Periodic Treehouse of the Elements, fearuring the World's longest dividing line between metals and nonmetals.

    René writes:

    I can't remember what started me off on this one. It may have been Mendeleev's line, as shown on the cover of Bent's 2006 book, New ideas in chemistry from fresh energy for the periodic law.

    There are a few things that look somewhat arbitrary, so I may revisit these:

    • Ce is known at +4, Pr is known as +5, and I recall seeing some speculation about the possibility of Nd +6. (Pm +7 may be overreach.)
    • Tl is lined up under Au even though Tl prefers +1. That said Au is not adverse to +1.
    • I stopped at Hs since the limits of SHE chemistry just about runs out there.
    • The dividing line between metals and nonmetals is 73 element box sides long.

    Click to enlarge:

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1165

    Vernon's (Partially Disordered) 15 Column Periodic Table

    A formulation by René Vernon, who writes:

    "Here is a 15-column table which is a hybrid of a Mendeleev 8-column table and an 18-column standard table. The key relocations are the p-block nonmetals to the far left; and the coinage and post-transition metals under their s and early d-block counterparts.

    "Taking a leaf out of Mendeleev's playbook, I ignored atomic number order when this seemed appropriate. It's refreshing to see the traditional horizontal gaps between blocks disappear. (DIM did not like these.)

    "Since Dias (2004, see references below) reckoned a periodic table is a partially ordered set forming a two-dimensional array, I believe I now have a partially ordered table that is partially disordered twice over.

    "The table has some curious relationships. Equally, some relationships seen in the standard form are absent. The Group 2, 3, and aluminium dilemmas disappear. This confirms my impression that such dilemmas have no intrinsic meaning. Rather, their appearance or non-appearance is context dependent."

    Notes & references below.

    Groups 1 to 4 have either a C or F suffix where C (nonmetal) is after the importance of carbon to our existence; and F (metal) is for the importance of iron to civilisation.

    Groups 1C and 1F present the greatest contrast in nonmetallic and metallic behaviour.

    Coactive Nonmetals: They are capable of forming septenary heterogeneous compounds such as C20H26N4O10PSSe.

    Group 2C: Helium is shaded as a noble gas. "Heliox" is a breathing gas mixture of helium and oxygen used in saturation diving, and as a medical treatment for patients with difficulty breathing.

    Group 3C: Boron over nitrogen looks odd. Yet one boron atom and one nitrogen atom have the same number of electrons between them as two adjacent carbon atoms. The combination of nitrogen and boron has some unusual features that are hard to match in any other pair of elements (Niedenzu & Dawson 1965).

    Boron and phosphorus form a range of ring and cage compounds having novel structural and electronic properties (Paine et al. 2005).

    Metalloids. I treat them here as nonmetals given their chemistry is predominately that of chemically weak nonmetals.

    Metals: The labels electropositive; transition; and electronegative are adapted from Kornilov (2008).

    Group 1F: Monovalent thallium salts resemble those of silver and the alkali metals.

    An alloy of cesium (73.71%), potassium (22.14%) and sodium (4.14%) has a melting point of –78.2°C (–108.76°F) (Oshe 1985).

    Silver, copper, and gold, as well as being the coinage metals, are borderline post-transition metals.

    Group 2F: Beryllium and magnesium are not in fact alkaline earths. Beryllium is amphoteric rather than alkaline; magnesium was isolated in impure form from its oxides, unlike the true alkaline earths. The old ambiguity over whether beryllium and magnesium should go over calcium or zinc has gone.

    Nobelium is here since +2 is its preferred oxidation state, unlike other actinoids.

    Group 3F: Aluminium is here in light of its similarity to scandium (Habishi 2010).

    InGaAsP is a semiconducting alloy of gallium arsenide and indium phosphide, used in lasers and photonics.

    There is no Group 3 "issue" since lanthanum, actinium, lutetium and lawrencium are in the same family.

    Gold and aluminium form an interesting set of intermetallic compounds known as Au5Al2 (white plague) and AuAl2 (purple plague). Blue gold is an alloy of gold and either gallium or indium.

    Lanthanoids: The oxidation state analogies with the transition metals stop after praseodymium. That is why the rest of lanthanoids are footnoted in dash-dot boxes.

    Actinoids: The resemblance to their transition metal analogues falters after uranium, and peters out after plutonium.

    Group 4F: It's funny to see titanium—the lightweight super-metal—in the same group as lead, the traditional "heavy" metal.

    This is the first group impacted by the lanthanoid contraction (cerium through lutetium) which results in the atomic radius of hafnium being almost the same as that of zirconium. Hence "the twins".

    The chemistry of titanium is significantly different from that of zirconium and hafnium (Fernelius 1982).

    Lead zirconate titanate Pb[ZrxTi1–x]O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) is one of the most commonly used piezo ceramics.

    Group 5: Bismuth vanadate BiVO4 is a bright yellow solid widely used as a visible light photo-catalyst and dye.

    Steel Friends: The name is reference to their use in steel alloys. They have isoelectronic soluble oxidizing tetroxoanions, plus a stable +3 oxidation state. (Rayner-Canham 2020).

    Ferromagnetic Metals: The horizontal similarities among this triad of elements (as is the case among the PGM hexad) are greater than anywhere in the periodic table except among the lanthanides (Lee 1996). The +2 aqueous ion is a major component of their simple chemistry (Rayner-Canham 2020).

    Group 8: "Rubiferous metals" (classical Latin rubēre to be red; -fer producing) is from the reddish-brown colour of rust; the most prevalent ruthenium precursor being ruthenium trichloride, a red solid that is poorly defined chemically but versatile synthetically; and the red osmates [OsO4(OH)4]?2 formed upon reaction by osmium tetroxide with a base.

    Group 9: "Weather metals" comes from the use of cobalt chloride as a humidity indicator in weather instruments; rhodium plating used to "protect other more vulnerable metals against weather exposure as well as against concentrated acids or acids fumes" (Küpfer 1954); and the "rainbow" etymology of iridium.

    Group 10: "Catalytic metals" is after a passage in Greenwood and Earnshaw, "They are... readily obtained in finely divided forms which are catalytically very active." (2002). Of course, many transition metals have catalytic properties. That said, if you asked me about transition metal catalysts, palladium and platinum would be the first to come to mind. Group 10 appear to be particularly catalytic.


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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1168

    Shukarev's Periodic System (redrawn by Vernon)

    Shukarev SA 1975, "On the image of the periodic system with the use of fifth move of late a-elements", Collection of Scientific and Methodological Articles on Chemistry. M.: Higher School, no 4, pp 3-12 (in Russian). Redrawn and commented upon by René Vernon:

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1170

    Zig-Zag Line, Periodic Table

    Periodic Table showing the (regular) zig-zag line by René Vernon who writes:

    "It is curious that the full extent of the line has never been properly mapped (to my knowledge).

    "Elements on the downside of the line generally display increasing metallic behaviour; elements on the topside generally display increasing nonmetallic behaviour.

    "When you see the line you will usually see only about a quarter of it. The line actually runs all the way across the periodic table, as shown, for a total of 44 element box sides.

    "Interpretations vary as to where the line runs. None of these is better than any other of them, provided the interpretation is explained to you. The thick black line (at least in the p-block) is the most common version. The metalloids tend to lie to either side of it.

    "Polonium and astatine are shown here as post-transition metals although either or both of them are sometimes shown as metalloids (or, in the case of astatine, as a halogen). Polonium conducts electricity like a metal and forms a cation in aqueous solution. In 2013, astatine was predicted to be a centred cubic-metal Condensed Astatine: Monatomic and Metallic This prediction has been cited 35 times, with no dissenters. Astatine also forms a cation in aqueous solution. Oganesson is shown as having (as yet) unknown properties.

    "The dashed lines show some alternative paths for the zigzag line.

    "The lower one treats the metalloids as nonmetals since metalloid chemistry is predominately nonmetallic. The lower line and the upper line are sometimes shown together used when the metalloids are treated as neither metals nor nonmetals."

    And in Janet Left-Step form:

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1171

    16 Dividing Lines Within The Periodic Table

    René Vernon points out that there are 16 dividing lines within the periodic table.

    A-Z Dividing Lines:

    48-crash line: Named after the dramatic reduction in physical metallic character after group 11, Cd being Z = 48. Group 12 show few transition metal attributes and behave predominantly like post-transition metals.

    Big bang line: H makes up about 73% of the visible universe.

    Corrosive line: O, F, Cl = most corrosive nonmetals.

    d-Block fault line: Group 3 show little d-block behaviour; group 4 is the first in which characteristic d-block behaviour occurs.

    Deming line: Demarcates the metalloids from the pre-halogen nonmetals. The "reactive" nonmetals to the right of the metalloids each have a sub-metallic appearance (C, O, Se, I).

    Edge of the world line: No guesses for this one.

    Klemm line: Klemm, in 1929, was the first to note the double periodicity of the lanthanides (Ce to Lu). Lockyer line: After the discoverer of He, the first element not found on Earth.

    Ørsted line: After the magnetic effects believed to be responsible for Mn having a crystalline structure analogous to white P; Tc: First radioactive metal; Re: Last of the refractory metals; "most radioactive" of the naturally occurring elements with stable isotopes. Fe: First of the ferromagnetic metals; Ru: First noble metal; Os: Densest of naturally occurring metals. The number of unpaired d electrons peaks in group 7 and reduces thereafter.

    Platypus line: Tl shows similarities to Rb, Ag, Hg, Pb.

    Poor metal line: Most metals (80%) have a packing factor (PF)3 68%. Ga: Has a crystalline structure analogous to that of iodine. BCN 1+6.* PF 39.1%. Melts in your hand. In: Partly distorted structure due to incompletely ionised atoms. BCN 4+8. PE 68.6%. Oxides in preferred +3 state are weakly amphoteric; forms anionic indates in strongly basic solutions. Tendency to form covalent compounds is one of the more important properties influencing its electro-chemical behaviour. Sn: Irregularly coordinated structure associated with incompletely ionised atoms. BCN 4+2. PF 53.5%. Oxides in preferred +2 state are amphoteric; forms stannites in strongly basic solutions. Grey Sn is electronically a zero band gap semimetal, although it behaves like a semiconductor. Diamond structure. BCN 4. PF 34.0%. Pb: Close-packed, but abnormally large inter-atomic distance due to partial ionisation of Pb atoms. BCN 12. PF 74%. Oxide in preferred +2 state is amphoteric; forms anionic plumbates in strongly basic solutions. Bi: Electronic structure of a semimetal. Open-packed structure (3+3) with bonding intermediate between metallic and covalent. PF 44.6%. Trioxide is predominantly basic but will act as a weak acid in warm, very concentrated KOH. Can be fused with KOH in air, resulting in a brown mass of potassium bismuthate.

    Seaborg line: No f electrons in gas phase La, Ac and Th atoms.

    Triple line: N = gas; S = solid; Br = liquid.

    Zigzag lobby: H needs no intro. Li: Many salts have a high degree of covalency. Small size frequently confers special properties on its compounds and for this reason is sometimes termed 'anomalous'. E.g. miscible with Na only above 380° immiscible with molten K, Rb, Cs, whereas all other pairs of AM are miscible with each other in all proportions. Be: Has a covalent component to its otherwise predominately metallic structure = low ductility. Lowest known Poisson's ratio of elemental metals. Amphoteric; predominately covalent chemistry atypical of group 2. Some aspects of its chemical properties are more like those of a metalloid.

    Zigzag line: Eponymous metal-nonmetal dividing line.

    Zintl line: Hypothetical boundary highlighting tendency for group 13 metals to form phases with a various stoichiometries, in contrast to group 14+ that tend to form salts with polymeric anions.

    * BCN = bulk coordination number

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    Year:  2020 PT id = 1174

    Split s-, p- & d-Block Periodic Table

    René Vernon presents a periodic table formulation with split s-, p- & d-blocks.

    The details: Group 3 as B-Al-Ga-In-Tl

    Al over Sc has some history, which seems to have been forgotten.

    Here are some other tables with B-Al-Sc-Y-La:

    What was it that these luminaries knew about B-Al-Sc-Y-La-Ac that is deemed to be no longer relevant, and why is that the case?

    Deming (1947, Fundamental Chemistry, 2nd ed. p. 617) located Al with the pre-transition metals in groups 1?2. Cox (2004, Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd ed. p. 185) refers to the pre-transition metals as those in groups 1 and 2, and Al. Here's that 2019 periodic table (by me), recording oxidation number trends, further suggesting B and Al are better placed over Sc.

    In this vein, Rayner-Canham (2020, The periodic table: Past, present, and future, pp. 178–181) writes:

    "It was Rang in 1893 who seems to have been the first, on the basis of chemical similarity, to place boron and aluminum in Group 3.

    "Such an assignment seems to have been forgotten until more recent times. Greenwood and Earnshaw have discussed the way in which aluminum can be considered as belonging to Group 3 as much as to Group 13 particularly in its physical properties. Habashi has suggested that there are so many similarities between aluminum and scandium that aluminum's place in the Periodic Table should actually be shifted to Group 3.

    "In terms of the electron configuration of the tripositive ions, one would indeed expect that Al3+ (electron configuration, [Ne]) would resemble Sc3+ (electron configuration, [Ar]) more than Ga3+ (electron configuration, [Ar]3d10). Also of note, the standard reduction potential for aluminum fits better with those of the Group 3 elements than the Group 13 elements (Table 9.2) – as does its melting point.

    "In terms of their comparative solution behavior, aluminum resembles both scandium(III) and gallium(III). For each ion, the free hydrated cation exists only in acidic solution. On addition of hydroxide ion to the respective cation, the hydroxides are produced as gelatinous precipitates. Each of the hydroxides redissolve in excess base to give an anionic hydroxo-complex, [M(OH)4]... There does seem to be a triangular relationship between these three elements. However, aluminum does more closely resemble scandium rather than gallium in its chemistry. If hydrogen sulfide is bubbled through a solution of the respective cation, scandium ion gives a precipitate of scandium hydroxide, and aluminum ion gives a corresponding precipitate of aluminum hydroxide. By contrast, gallium ion gives a precipitate of gallium(III) sulfide. Also, scandium and aluminum both form carbides, while gallium does not."

    To answer my own question as to why group 3 as B-Al-Sc-Y-La-Ac has been forgotten.

    I suspect what happened is that it was historically known that group 3 was better represented as B-Al-Sc-Y-La-[Ac]. Then, with the advent and rise of modern electronic structure theory, B-Al- got moved to the p-block because, after all, they were p-block elements, never mind the damned chemistry. And La stayed in the d-block since it was the first element to show 5d electron, and 4f did not show until Ce. And Lu stayed where it was since even thought it was learnt that the f shell become full at Yb, rather than Lu, nothing changed about the chemistry of Lu. Nowadays, this has all been forgotten.

    The modern periodic table is a chemistry-physics hybrid.

    Lu in group 3 demands He over Be. La in group 3 demands B-Al over Sc. Neither option gets up. The more important consideration is to teach the history and have students and chemists appreciate both perspectives.

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    Year:  2021 PT id = 1181

    Understanding Periodic and Non-periodic Chemistry in Periodic Tables

    Cao C, Vernon RE, Schwarz WHE and Li J (2021). Front. Chem. 8:813.


    The chemical elements are the "conserved principles" or "kernels" of chemistry that are retained when substances are altered. Comprehensive overviews of the chemistry of the elements and their compounds are needed in chemical science. To this end, a graphical display of the chemical properties of the elements, in the form of a Periodic Table, is the helpful tool. Such tables have been designed with the aim of either classifying real chemical substances or emphasizing formal and aesthetic concepts. Simplified, artistic, or economic tables are relevant to educational and cultural fields, while practicing chemists profit more from "chemical tables of chemical elements."

    Such tables should incorporate four aspects:

    (i) typical valence electron configurations of bonded atoms in chemical compounds (instead of the common but chemically atypical ground states of free atoms in physical vacuum);

    (ii) at least three basic chemical properties (valence number, size, and energy of the valence shells), their joint variation across the elements showing principal and secondary periodicity;

    (iii) elements in which the (sp)8, (d)10, and (f)14 valence shells become closed and inert under ambient chemical conditions, thereby determining the "fix-points" of chemical periodicity;

    (iv) peculiar elements at the top and at the bottom of the Periodic Table.

    While it is essential that Periodic Tables display important trends in element chemistry we need to keep our eyes open for unexpected chemical behavior in ambient, near ambient, or unusual conditions. The combination of experimental data and theoretical insight supports a more nuanced understanding of complex periodic trends and non-periodic phenomena.

    Thanks to René Vernon for the tip.

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    Year:  2021 PT id = 1183

    Crustal Abundance vs. Electronegativity

    A chart by René Vernon of Elemental Abundance (g/kg log10) vs. Electronegativity, H to Bi.

    René writes:

    Below is a remarkable XY chart where x = electronegativity and y = crustal abundance (log10). It stops at the end of the s-process, at Bi. The abundance figures are from the CRC Hanbook of Physics and Chemistry (2016-2017).

    I say remarkable as I had little idea what the chart would end up looking like when I started plotting the values.

    As well as its coloured regions, I've marked out track lines for six of the main groups and one for group 3.


    The rose-coloured arc on the left encompasses the pre-transition metals i.e. the alkali and alkaline earth metals and aluminium, followed by, in the orange rectangle, the rare earth metals. Opposite these regions, along the southern boundary of the green paddock, are the halogens.

    In the pale yellow field sheltered by the pre-transition metals and the REM, are the 3d transition metals and, in the white corral, are 4d and 5d base transition metals. Opposite these regions, in the green paddock, are the core nonmetals H, C, N, O, P and S, with Se as an outlier.

    Following in the grey blob are the post-transtion or poor metals, immediately adjacent to the bulk of the metalloids or poor nonmetals.

    Finally, in the light blue patch, the noble metals are complemented by the noble gases frolicking in the open.

    Abundance tends to decrease with increasing Z. Notable exceptions are Li, B, N and Si.



    I was intrigued by the article referring to Ni and Ar, and the suggestion of Ar becoming somewhat anionic, albeit in extreme conditions (140 GPa, 1500 K)



    I wasn't looking for these but they at least exist as follows:

    My references are:

    Thus the abundance of the metals in the crust tends to fall with increasing EN.

    An answer from L. Bruce Railsback, creator of the Earth Scientist's Periodic Table

    "I think I can answer one of the questions. 'Why is Si good at forming a planetary crust?' – because it's so bad at staying in the core. Silicon isn't sufficiently metallic to stay in the core. Even in the mantle and crust, it doesn't go into non-metal solids well: in cooling magmas, it's only a lesser member of the early-forming minerals (e.g., Mg2SiO4, forsterite, where it's outnumbered two to one). The mineral only of Si as a cation, SiO2 (quartz), is the LAST mineral to form as a magma cools, in essence the residuum of mineral-forming processes. At least some this thinking is at Bowen's Reaction Series and Igneous Rocks at"

    Which Electronegativity Scale?

    The wide variety of methods for deriving electronegativities tend to give results similar to one another.

    Click to enlarge:

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    Year:  2021 PT id = 1184

    van Spronsen's Periodic Table: Update

    René Vernon writes:

    I'd never before realised how clever van Spronsen's 1969 Periodic Table is. It seems to be the ultimate logical electronic version, informed by the actual filling sequence in the gas phase atoms, rather than the idealised sequence.

    So, H-He are over Li-Be.

    Group 3 is Sc-Y-La-Ac since that is where the d-shell starts filling. In the rest of the d-block, there are (4+1) x d5 and (4+2) x d10.

    The f-block starts with Ce, as that is where the f-shell starts filling. Notice the high degree of regularity with the 4 x f7 and the 4 x f14, and how Th is treated i.e. as 5f0.

    After DIM's 8-column form, I believe the periodic family tree now looks like this:

    Three split-blocks
    1a. He over Ne; B-Al over Sc-Y-La-Ac = old school form
    1b. H-He over F-Ne; ditto = e.g. Soddy 1914?, Kipp 1942?

    Two split blocks
    2a. He over Ne; group 3 as Sc-Y-La-Ac = popular form

    One split-block
    3a. He over Ne; group 3 as Sc-Y-Lu-Lr = Lu form 3b. He over Be; group 3 as Sc-Y-La-La = forgotten van Spronsen form

    No split blocks
    4. He over Be = Janet equivalent

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    Year:  2021 PT id = 1190

    Electronegativity: A Three-Part Wave

    René Vernon points out that although there is a general trend in increasing electnegativity from Cs to F, there is actually an s-curve in the data.

    Electronegativity across groups 1 to 18 appears to a show a three-part wave-like pattern.

    There is a rise from group 1 to group 6, followed by a fall at group 7. I guess for group 7 that the EN for Mn is based on +2 and in this state Mn has five 3d electrons. The EN for Tc and Re are presumably based on +7, in which they notionally have underlying [Kr] and [Xe] cores.

    There is rise from 7 to 8 (why?); a mesa from 8 to 11 (why?) that includes the PGM; and a fall at group 12. The fall may be influenced by group 12 having a full d shell; ditto group 13.

    There is a rise from 13 to 18. Whereas in group 13 there is ionic chemistry in the form of the cations of Al to Tl this is not the case for C, Si, and Ge in group 14. Sn is reluctant to form a cation expect at pH < 1, and there is no Pb4+ cation.

    The R2 value of 0.9739 is a best fit value for a second order polynomial. R2 for a straight line is 0.786

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    Year:  2021 PT id = 1203

    Vernon's CSF Left-Step Periodic Table.

    René Vernon's CSF Left-Step Periodic Table.

    "I was prompted to switch to He-Be and [to develop a Janet type] left-step periodic table. I suggest it remediates concerns about H and He, and Lu in group 3.


    • There is symmetry in this version.
    • The physiochemical relationship of He to Ne is retained.


    • There is a loss of physiochemical regularity in placing He over Be. Even if helium can be enticed to become chemically active, it will still be very much better located in group 18.
    • While the d, p, and s blocks start with the appearance of the relevant electron, there is a loss of consistency with La at the start of the f-block. This is confusing to students since there is no such inconsistency in the La form.
    • In terms of predominant differentiating electrons in each block, this form is less consistent than an La table.
    • There is one less form of "element block-type" symmetry, than in the La form.

    Click here to enlarge:

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    Year:  2021 PT id = 1210

    Vernon's Eight-Fold Way Periodic Table

    René Vernon suggests that the chemical elements can be grouped into eight classes: four metallic (Active, Transition, Post-Transition and Noble) and four non-metallic (Halogen, Biogen, Metalloid and Noble gas):

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    Year:  2021 PT id = 1244

    Vernon's ABC Periodic Table

    The Annotated Blocks & Categories (ABC) Periodic Table by René Vernon.

    Click image to enlarge:

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    Year:  2022 PT id = 1241

    Electronegativity Seamlessly Mapped Onto Various Formulations of The Periodic Table

    A discussion on the Google Groups Periodic Table Discussion List, involving a René Vernon, Nawa Nagayasu & Julio Samanez (all contributors this database) lead to the development of the representations below, showing electronegativity seamlessly mapped onto a modified Left-Step Periodic Table:

    Nawa Nagayasu has mapped electronegativity to Mendeleeve's formulation:

    Nawa Nagayasu has mapped electronegativity onto other formulations, Julio's Binode Spiral:

    Courtine's 1926 formulation:

    and the "conventional", short, medium and long forms of the periodic table with hydrogen above and between B & C which show the botom-right-to-top-left electronegativity trend:

    Jeff Moran's Spiral:

    René Vernon's 777 Periodic Wedding Cake:

    Valery Tsimmerman's ADOMAH formulation:

    Valery Tsimmerman's ADOMAH tetrahedron (in a glass cube) formulation:

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    Year:  2022 PT id = 1252

    Vernon's Yin Yang of The Periodic Table

    René Vernon writes:

    "I was prompted to [develop] this item after reading Eric Scerri's open access article: In Praise of Triads. The nub of Eric’s article is to argue for the LST on the grounds of triad regularity, first-row-anomaly regularity, and consistency with QM.

    "It occurs to me that efforts to introduce more regularity to the PT invariably introduce new irregularities elsewhere. For example, as far as triad regularity goes, the left step table (LST) with He over Be introduces its own anomaly in that no element in period 1 (H, He) is part of a triad whereas this is not the case for all periods thereafter. In contrast, all periods of the traditional table have at least one element that is part of a triad.

    "As far as QM goes, this tells us that there is a theoretical regularity to the PT. This regularity can be used to inform e.g. the LST, ADOMAH or Julio’s binodes. But such depictions do not reflect the factual relationships we see amongst the chemistry of the elements as well as is the case for the conventional form. A most obvious example is that the LST, while being more consistent with QM, disrupts the bottom-left to top-right trend in metallic to nonmetallic character seen in conventional tables.

    (I must caveat that I'm referring to the chemistry of the elements in conditions regularly occurring on Earth. For example, it has been reported that under sufficiently high pressures the elements change their EN and electron configurations. If so, this suggests a need for a different table at high pressure.)

    At this point, the chemistry educators enter the picture. They move the s-block to left. Helium is relocated over Ne on the basis of its nobility. (This could change if a few compounds of He were to be synthesized). Somewhat similarly, La was discovered well before Lu, so it ended up under Y, and most folks see no good reason to replace La with Lu. Sure, in the 32-column form, the result is a split d-block but the infrequency with which the 32-column form appears is such that most people are not bothered. The result is the conventional table.

    Philosophically, while the n+l based LST might represent the most general form of table, the conventional table appears to currently represent the most pragmatic derivation for chemists and chemistry educators.

    Since the PT is classification rather than theory, and there will thus always be hard cases at the boundaries, there will invariably be minor variations in the depiction of the conventional table with respect to e.g. the placement of H, the composition of group 3, or the length of the f block.

    And there will always be tables such as MR that focus on particular perspectives of relationships among the the elements.

    I’ve tried to sketch what's going in the attached image:"

    Click to enlarge.

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    Year:  2022 PT id = 1254

    99 Elements Sorted by Density & Electronegativity

    René Vernon writes:

    "A little while I ago I noticed that a scatter plot of EN (revised Pauling) and density values of the elements resulted in a nice distribution, as per the table below.

    "According to Hein and Arena (2013) nonmetals have low densities and relatively high EN values; the table bears this out. Nonmetallic elements occupy the top left quadrant, where densities are low and EN values are relatively high. The other three quadrants are occupied by metals. Of course, some authors further divide the elements into metals, metalloids, and nonmetals although Odberg argues that anything not a metal is, on categorisation grounds, a nonmetal.

    Note 25 says:

    (a) Weighable amounts of the extremely radioactive elements At (element 85), Fr (87), and elements with an atomic number higher than Es (99), have not been prepared.
    (b) The density values used for At and Fr are theoretical estimates.
    (c) Bjerrum (1936) classified "heavy metals" as those metals with densities above 7 g/cm^3.
    (d) Vernon (2013) specified a minimum electronegativity of 1.9 for the metalloids.

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    Year:  2022 PT id = 1257

    Tutti Frutti Periodic Table

    René Vernon who writes:

    "As a potentially powerful teaching and learning instrument: a Tutti Frutti periodic table. I feel younger folk [will] be delighted by it. The overlay of electron configurations and blocks was designed by a colleague of mine."

    Click to enlarge:

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    Year:  2022 PT id = 1259

    Deming's 1923 Periodic Table, Updated by Vernon

    René Vernon writes:

    "Here is the 21st century version of Deming's 1923 formulation. Lacking elegance perhaps, but that’s messy chemistry for you. 25 columns wide rather than 18 or 32. Split s, p and d blocks. The connecting lines are based on four sources:

      1. Deming
      2. The literature since his time, as shown
      3. The expected behaviour of the super-heavy elements
      4. The smoothness of Z vs physiochemical property trendlines going down groups, for up to 40 physiochemical properties

    "I used [the term] frontier metals to refer to the post-transition metals, since the latter term has never applied well to Al. The frontier adjective comes from a line by Russell and Lee in which they refer to Bi and Po occupying frontier territory on the PT, adjacent to the nonmetals (2006, p. 419).

    "As far as metalloids are concerned, Dingle nicely summarized their status: "With ‘no-doubt' metals on the far left of the table, and no-doubt non-metals on the far right…the gap between the two extremes is bridged first by the poor (post-transition) metals, and then by the metalloids— which, perhaps by the same token, might collectively be renamed the 'poor non-metals'." (2017, p. 101)

    Ref: Dingle 2017, The Elements: An Encyclopedic Tour of the Periodic Table, Quad Books, Brighton Russell AM & Lee KL 2005, Structure-Property Relations in Nonferrous Metals, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ

    Click to enlarge

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    Year:  2022 PT id = 1275

    777 Periodic Wedding Cake

    René Vernon's version of Courtine’s flat projection (1926) of his periodic tower, the 777 Periodic Wedding Cake:

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    Year:  2022 PT id = 1276

    Periodic Table of Periodic Tables

    René Vernon has collected the PT formulations in this PT database and classifed them as:

    Short, Triangular, Medium, Long, Continious, Folding, Spatial & Unclassified

    and tabulated them by date. The 'working document' is currently a word file.

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