Products & Services
Short Course: Chemical Structure | Interaction | Reaction
A two day short course for professional scientists who would like to refresh their chemistry using up to date ideas and concepts.
Structure & Bonding: An Overview of 20th Century Theory
The Rutherford-Bohr atom
Lewis theory
Atomic orbitals
Molecular orbitals, LCAO, computational quantum chemistry
Valence bond theory, VSEPR, molecular mechanics & molecular dynamics
Empirical Chemistry
Electronegativity, covalent-ionic bonding, the Laing tetrahedron, material types
Periodic table, periodicity, congeneric series, planars & volumes
Alkanes, Π-systems, functional groups, substructures, transition metals
Reaction chemistry space
Interactions & Reactions
FMO theory
The Klopman equation
The five reaction chemistries: Lewis Acid/Base, Redox, Photo, Radical & Diradical
The Lewis Acid/Base Interaction Matrix
Informal Q&A Session
Reaction Mechanism
Electronic & atom-to-atom mappings
Substitution-transfer-abstraction-displacement: the STAD mechanism
Unit mechanisms
Compound mechanisms (name reactions)
The mechanism matrix
Complexity & Chaos in Chemistry
Systems & Chaos
Chemistry Systems
Linear Chemistry
Complex Syestem Chemistry
Reaction Environments
Gas, liquid (polarity & elutropic series), solid
The Phase Interaction Matrix
Homogeneous and heterogeneous (stirred & diffusion controlled) systems
Colloidal, interfacial
Constrained: host/guest, enzyme active site
Informal Q&A Session
Emphasis will be on principles. Common chemical examples will be used throughout.
The Chemical Structure, Interaction and Reaction short course is offered to academic, government and industrial establishments at competitive rates. Contact sales@meta-synthesis.com for further details.
© Mark R. Leach 1999 –
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