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Lewis Acid/Base Interaction Matrix Database

Type 16 Lewis Acid/Base Complexation Chemistry

Electrophilic Addition and SEAr Reactivity

Bonding: Halogen/alkene Type 16 complexes exhibit extensive back-bonding.
Charge: Positively charged complex, such as the bromonium ion, or some reaction pathway may yield products with a variety of charges.

Classical Organic Chemistry

Many vacant p orbital Lobe-LUMO Lewis acids, particularly carbenium ions and acylium ions, are aggressive electrophiles, E+, able to react with π-HOMO organics, such as alkenes, via electrophilic addition or electrophilic addition-followed-by-elimination. For example:

An electrophile, E+, may react with benzene and other aromatics to give (Friedel-Crafts or nitration) electrophilic aromatic substitution products:

Congeneric Series:

Few congeneric series or planars of interest.

Type 16 Lewis acid/base complex (generic)
Benzoate ion

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Benzyl bromide

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Cyclopropane (generic)

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(+/-) trans 1,2-Dibromocyclohexane

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trans 1,2-Dichloroalkene (generic)

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(+/-) trans 1,2-Dichlorocyclohexane

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gem-Dichloride (generic)

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1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroalkane (generic)

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Triphenylmethyl chloride

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