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Patterns in Reaction Chemistry Poster [Clickable]

The Chemogenesis analysis shows there to be five distinct electronic reactions chemistries: Redox, Photo, Lewis Acid/Base, Radical and Diradical. Of these five, the richest is Lewis acid/base reaction chemistry because so much inorganic and organic reaction chemistry can be considered in terms of interacting Lewis acids and Lewis bases, including:

It transpires that when classified by electronic structure, FMO topology and reaction behaviour, four general types of Lewis base and six general types of Lewis acid are recognised, and that these 6 x 4 types of Lewis acid and Lewis base interact to give a matrix with 24 distinct types of Lewis acid/base complex.

Like the periodic table, the Lewis acid/base interaction matrix has many properties. It is a general and comprehensive reaction chemistry schema that naturally crosses the inorganic-organic divide.

Click on a cell to explore the Lewis Acid/Base Interaction Matrix:

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The central part of the chemogenesis analysis – the identification of the five reaction chemistries, the classification of Lewis acids and Lewis bases and the formation of the Lewis acid/base interaction matrix – has been published as a poster + book available from meta-synthesis.

Buy the Lewis Acid/Base Reaction Chemistry Package (book + poster)
ISBN 0-9536960-0-6

The Lewis Acid/Base Reaction Chemistry Package is made up of two parts:

  • A book (96 pages, paperback) introduces and presents the new chemistry in a linear manner. A glossary of terms and bibliography are included.
  • A full colour wall poster (A1 size, 590 x 840mm, 23.5 x 33in) shows the central ideas behind the chemogenesis analysis as a single and very striking graphic.

    Special web price: £12.99 (~US$16.00, ~€15.00) + P&P from our eBay Shop/Store:

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Lewis Acid/Base Interaction Matrix Clickable Matrix

© Mark R. Leach 1999 –

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