Periodic Table
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The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables

There are thousands of periodic tables in web space, but this is the only comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. If you know of an interesting periodic table that is missing, please contact the database curator: Mark R. Leach Ph.D.

Use the drop menus below to search & select from the more than 1300 Period Tables in the database: 

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Periodic Tables from the year 1930:

1930   Janet's Shell Filling Diagram
1930   Gardner & Mazzucchelli's Periodic System Elaborated as Electronic Configuration
1930   Gardner's Table of Electronic Configurations of the Elements

Year:  1930 PT id = 154, Type = formulation spiral

Janet's Shell Filling Diagram

Janet produced six papers, in French, which are almost unobtainable as he had them privately printed and didn't distribute them properly. The shell-filling diagram dated from November 1930, six years before Madelung. Note that Janet uses Bohr's radial quantum number, k, which is l+1. In the text he formulates the n+k-1 rule. Information supplied by Philip Stewart.

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Year:  1930 PT id = 696, Type = formulation

Gardner & Mazzucchelli's Periodic System Elaborated as Electronic Configuration

From Edward G. Mazurs' 1974 (2nd edition) Graphic Representations of the Periodic System During One Hundred Years, University of Alabama Press:

Gardner & Mazzucchelli

Thanks to Philip Stewart for the tip!

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Year:  1930 PT id = 1264, Type = formulation

Gardner's Table of Electronic Configurations of the Elements

A table of electronic configurations of the elements. Nature 125, 146 (1930).


"MR. ROY GARDNER gave an interesting paper on A Method of Setting out the Classification of the Elements at a recent meeting of the New Zealand Institute. The paper included the accompanying Table, which shows the distribution of electrons into groups corresponding to the principal quantum numbers for all the elements and at the same time preserves the most essential features of the two-dimensional arrangement of Mendeleef. Elements having the same complete groups (that is, all stable groups of 8 or 18) are placed in the same horizontal row, and the vertical columns include elements with the same number of electrons in the incomplete outer groups. The electronic configurations are those given by Sidgwick ("Electronic Theory of Valency", 1927). An asterisk marks elements for which the 'normal' atom is thought to have only one electron in the outermost group, but as practically all these give divalent ions, the point is of minor interest chemically. Distribution of electrons into k-subgroups is unnecessary; these have at present little significance for chemical purposes, and in any case the subgroups are considered to be filled in order to the maxima 2, 6, and 10."

René Vernon writes:

In this table Gardner emphasises the existence of four types of elements:

    1. those with all "groups" complete
    2. those with one incomplete group
    3. those with two incomplete groups (transition elements)
    4. those with three incomplete groups (rare earth elements)

The upper limits of existence of covalencies of 8, 6, and 4 are marked by heavy horizontal lines.


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