Periodic Table |
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The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables
There are thousands of periodic tables in web space, but this is the only comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. If you know of an interesting periodic table that is missing, please contact the database curator: Mark R. Leach Ph.D.
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Year: 2020 | PT id = 1149, Type = misc review formulation |
Scerri's Periodic Table of Books About The Periodic Table & The Chemical Elements
From Eric Scerri, a periodic table of books about the periodic table & the chemical elements... many by Eric Scerri himself.
Eric Scerri, UCLA, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry. See the website and Eric's Twitter Feed.
There is no particular connection between each of the elements and the book associated with it in the table, with the exception of: H, He, N, Ti, V, Nb, Ag, La, Au, Ac, U, Pu & Og.
The following is a list of references for each of the 118 books featured on Periodic Table of Books About The Periodic Table & The Chemical Elements. Books published in languages other than English are
. They include the Catalan, Croatian, French, German, Italian, Norwegian & Spanish languages:1 | H | J. Ridgen, Hydrogen, the Essential Element, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002. |
2 | He | W.M. Sears Jr., Helium, The Disappearing Element, Springer, Berlin, 2015. |
3 | Li | K. Lew, The Alkali Metals, Rosen Central, New York, 2009. |
4 | Be | S. Esteban Santos, La Historia del Sistema Periodico, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 2009. (Spanish) |
5 | B | E.R. Scerri. The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2020. |
6 | C | U. Lagerkvist, The Periodic Table and a Missed Nobel Prize, World Scientific, Singapore, 2012. |
7 | N | W.B. Jensen, Mendeleev on the Periodic Law: Selected Writings, 1869–1905, Dover, Mineola, NY, 2005. |
8 | O | M. Kaji, H. Kragh, G. Pallo, (eds.), Early Responses to the Periodic System, Oxford University, Press, New York, 2015. |
9 | F | E. Mazurs, Graphic Representation of the Periodic System During One Hundred Years, Alabama University Press, Tuscaloosa, AL, 1974. |
10 | Ne | T. Gray, The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe, Black Dog & Leventhal, 2009. |
11 | Na | N.C. Norman, Periodicity and the s- and p-Block Elements, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007. |
12 | Mg | M. Gordin, A Well-Ordered Thing, Dimitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of the Periodic Table, 2nd edition, Basic Books, New York, 2019. |
13 | Al | S. Kean, The Disappearing Spoon, Little, Brown & Co., New York, 2010. |
14 | Si | P.A. Cox, The Elements, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989. |
15 | P | J. Emsley, The 13th Element: The Sordid Tale of Murder, Fire, and Phosphorus, Wiley, New York, 2002. |
16 | S | P. Parsons, G. Dixon, The Periodic Table: A Field Guide to the Elements, Qurcus, London, 2014. |
17 | Cl | P. Levi, The Periodic Table, Schocken, New York, 1995. |
18 | Ar | B.D. Wiker, The Mystery of the Periodic Table, Bethlehem Books, New York, 2003. |
19 | K | H. Alderesey-Williams, Periodic Tales, Viking Press, 2011. |
20 | Ca | P. Strathern, Mendeleyev's Dream, Hamish-Hamilton, London, 1999. |
21 | Sc | D. Scott, Around the World in 18 Elements, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2015. |
22 | Ti | E. W. Collings, Gerhard Welsch, Materials Properties Handbook: Titanium Alloys, ASM International, Geauga County, Ohio, 1994. |
23 | V | D. Rehder, Bioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry, Wiley-Blackwell, Weinheim, 2008. |
24 | Cr | K. Chapman, Superheavy, Bloomsbury Sigma, New York, 2019. |
25 | Mn | E.R. Scerri, E. Ghibaudi (eds.), What is an Element? Oxford University Press, New York, 2020. |
26 | Fe | M. Soon Lee, Elemental Haiku, Ten Speed Press, New York, 2019. |
27 | Co | J. Emsley, Nature's Building Blocks, An A-Z Guide to the Elements, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001. |
28 | Ni | T. James, Elemental, Robinson, London, 2018. |
29 | Cu | E.R. Scerri, The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance, Oxford University Press, New York, 2007. |
30 | Zn | H. Rossotti, Diverse Atoms, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. |
31 | Ga | P. Ball, A Very Short Introduction to the Elements, Oxford University Press, 2004. |
32 | Ge | I. Asimov, The Building Blocks of the Universe, Lancer Books, New York, 1966. |
33 | As | J. Browne, Seven Elements that Changed the World, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 2013. |
34 | Se | N. Raos, Bezbroj Lica Periodnog Sustava Elemenata, Technical Museum of Zagreb, Croatia, 2010. (Croatian) |
35 | Br | P. Strathern, The Knowledge, The Periodic Table, Quadrille Publishing, London, 2015. |
36 | Kr | A. Ede, The Chemical Element, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 2006. |
37 | Rb | A. Stwertka, The Elements, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998. |
38 | Sr | E.R. Scerri, A Tale of Seven Elements, Oxford University Press, New York, 2013. |
39 | Y | H.-J. Quadbeck-Seeger, World of the Elements, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007. |
40 | Zr | M. Fontani, M. Costa, M.V. Orna (eds.), The Lost Elements, Oxford University Press, New York, 2015. |
41 | Nb | M. Seegers, T. Peeters (eds.), Niobium: Chemical Properties, Applications and Environmental Effects, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013. |
42 | Mo | E.R. Scerri, Selected Papers on the Periodic Table, Imperial College Press, Imperial College Press, London and Singapore, 2009. |
43 | Tc | A. Dingle, The Periodic Table, Elements with Style, Kingfisher, Richmond, B.C. Canada, 2007. |
44 | Ru | G. Rudorf, Das periodische System, seine Geschichte und Bedeutung für die chemische Sysytematik, Hamburg-Leipzig, 1904. (German) |
45 | Rh | I. Nechaev, G.W. Jenkins, The Chemical Elements, Tarquin Publications, Publications, Norfolk, UK, 1997. |
46 | Pd | P. Davern, The Periodic Table of Poems, No Starch Press, San Francisco, 2020. |
47 | Ag | C. Fenau, Non-ferrous metals from Ag to Zn, Unicore, Brussells, 2002. |
48 | Cd | J. Van Spronsen, The Periodic System of the Chemical Elements, A History of the First Hundred Years, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1969. |
49 | In | M. Tweed, Essential Elements, Walker and Company, New York, 2003. |
50 | Sn | M.E. Weeks, Discovery of the Elements, Journal of Chemical Education, Easton PA, 1960. |
51 | Sb | P. Wothers, Antimony Gold Jupiter's Wolf, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019. |
52 | Te | W. Zhu, Chemical Elements in Life, World Scientific Press, Singapore, 2020. |
53 | I | O. Sacks, Uncle Tungsten, Vintage Books, New York, 2001. |
54 | Xe | E.R. Scerri, (ed.), 30-Second Elements, Icon Books, London, 2013. |
55 | Cs | M. Jacob (ed.), It's Elemental: The Periodic Table, Celebrating 80th Anniversary, Chemical & Engineering News, American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., 2003. |
56 | Ba | J. Marshall, Discovery of the Elements, Pearson Custom Publishing, New York,1998. |
57 | La | K. Veronense, Rare, Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York, 2015. |
58 | Ce | N. Holt, The Periodic Table of Football, Ebury Publishing, London, 2016. |
59 | Pr | S. Alvarez, C. Mans, 150 Ans de Taules Périodiques a la Universitat de Barcelona, Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2019. (Catalan) |
60 | Nd | L. Garzon Ruiperez, De Mendeleiev a Los Superelementos, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, 1988. (Spanish) |
61 | Pm | P. Ball, A Guided Tour of the Ingredients, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002. |
62 | Sm | S. Esteban Santos, La Historia del Sistema Periodico, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 2009. (Spanish). |
63 | Eu | A. E. Garrett, The Periodic Law, D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1909. |
64 | Gd | M.S. Sethi, M. Satake, Periodic Tables and Periodic Properties, Discovery Publishing House, Delhi, India, 1992. |
65 | Tb | M. Eesa, The cosmic history of the elements: A brief journey through the creation of the chemical elements and the history of the periodic table, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. |
66 | Dy | P. Depovere, La Classification périodique des éléments, De Boeck, Bruxelles, 2002. (French). |
67 | Ho | F. Habashi, The Periodic Table & Mendeleev, Laval University Press, Quebec, 2017. |
68 | Er | W.J. Nuttall, R. Clarke, B. Glowacki, The Future of Helium as a Natural Resource, Routledge, London, 2014. |
69 | Tm | R.D. Osorio Giraldo, M.V. Alzate Cano, La Tabla Periodica, Bogota, Colombia, 2010. (Spanish). |
70 | Yb | P.R. Polo, El Profeta del Orden Quimico, Mendeleiev, Nivola, Spain, 2008. (Spanish). |
71 | Lu | E.R. Scerri, A Very Short Introduction to the Periodic Table, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019. |
72 | Hf | D.H. Rouvray, R.B. King, The Mathematics of the Periodic Table, Nova Scientific Publishers, New York, 2006. |
73 | Ta | P. Thyssen, A. Ceulemans, Shattered Symmetry, Oxford University Press, New York, 2017. |
74 | W | P.W. Atkins, The Periodic Kingdom, Basic Books, New York, NY, 1995. |
75 | Re | D.G. Cooper, The Periodic Table, 3rd edition. Butterworths, London, 1964. |
76 | Os | E. Lassner, W.-D. Schubert, Tungsten: Properties, Chemistry, Technology of the Element, Alloys, and Chemical Compounds, Springer, Berlin, 1999. |
77 | Ir | J.C.A. Boeyens, D.C. Levendis, Number Theory and the Periodicity of Matter, Springer, Berlin, 2008. |
78 | Pt | R. Hefferlin, Periodic Systems and their Relation to the Systematic Analysis of Molecular Data, Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY, 1989. |
79 | Au | R.J. Puddephatt, The Chemistry of Gold, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1978. |
80 | Hg | D.H. Rouvray, R.B. King, The Periodic Table Into the 21st Century, Research Studies Press, Baldock, UK, 2004. |
81 | Tl | R.E. Krebs, The History and Use of Our Earth's Chemical Elements, Greenwood Publishing Group, Santa Barbara, CA, 2006. |
82 | Pb | E. Torgsen, Genier, sjarlataner og 50 bøtter med urin - Historien om det periodiske system, Spartacus, 2018. (Norwegian). |
83 | Bi | K. Buchanan, D. Roller, Memorize the Periodic Table, Memory Worldwide Pty Limited, 2013. |
84 | Po | D. Morris, The Last Sorcerers, The Path from Alchemy to the Periodic Table, Joseph Henry Press, New York, 2003. |
85 | At | T. Jackson, The Elements, Shelter Harbor Press, New York, 2012. |
86 | Rn | R.J.P. Williams, J.J.R. Frausto da Silva, The Natural Selection of the Chemical Elements: The Environment and Life's Chemistry, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997. |
87 | Fr | G. Rudorf, The Periodic Classification and the Problem of Chemical Evolution, Whittaker & Co., London, New York, 1900. |
88 | Ra | L. Van Gorp, Elements, Compass Point Books, Manakato, MN, 2008. |
89 | Ac | G.T. Seaborg, J.J. Katz, L.R. Morss, Chemistry of the Actinide Elements, Springer, Berlin, 1986. |
90 | Th | G. Münzenberg, Superheavy Elements - Searching for the End of the Periodic Table, Manipal Universal Press, India, 2018. |
91 | Pa | A. Castillejos Salazar, La Tabla Periòdica: Abecedario de la Quimica, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, D.F. Mexico, 2005. (Spanish). |
92 | U | T. Zoellner, Uranium, Penguin Books, London, 2009. |
93 | Np | J. Barrett, Atomic Structure and Periodicity, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2002. |
94 | Pu | J. Bernstein, Plutonium, Joseph Henry, Washington DC, 2007. |
95 | Am | S. Hofmann, Beyond Uranium, Taylor & Francis, London, 2002. |
96 | Cm | H.M. Davis, The Chemical Elements, Ballantine Books, New York, 1961. |
97 | Bk | P.González Duarte, Les Mils Cares de la Taula Periòdica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra Barcelona, 2005 (Catalan). |
98 | Cf | R. Rich, Periodic Correlations, Benjamin, New York, 1965. |
99 | Es | E. Rabinowitsch, E. Thilo, Periodisches System, Geschichte und Theorie, Stuttgart, 1930. (German). |
100 | Fm | P.K. Kuroda, The Origin of the Chemical Elements, and the Oklo Phenomenon, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1982. |
101 | Md | G. Villani, Mendeleev, La Tavola Periodica Degli Elementi, Grandangolo, Milan, 2016. (Italian). |
102 | No | J. Russell, Elementary: The Periodic Table Explained, Michael O'Mara, London, 2020. |
103 | Lr | P. Enghag, Encyclopedia of the Elements, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004. |
104 | Rf | R.J. Puddephatt, The Periodic Table of the Elements, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1972. |
105 | Db | L. Ohrström, The Last Alchemist in Paris, Oxford University Press, New York, 2013. |
106 | Sg | N.N. Greenwood, E. Earnshaw, Chemistry of the Elements, 2nd edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997. |
107 | Bh | R. Luft, Dictionnaire des Corps Simples de la Chimie, Association Cultures et Techniques, Nantes, 1997. (French) |
108 | Hs | Science Foundation Course Team, The Periodic Table and Chemical Bonding, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 1971. |
109 | Mt | W.W. Schulz, J. Navratil, Transplutonium Elements, American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., 1981. |
110 | Ds | I. Nechaev, Chemical Elements, Lindsay Drummond, 1946. |
111 | Rg | F. Hund, Linienspektren und Periodisches System Der Elemente, Springer, Berlin, 1927. |
112 | Cn | F.P. Venable, The Development of the Periodic Law, Chemical Publishing Co., Easton, PA, 1896. |
113 | Nh | O. Baca Mendoza, Leyes Geneticas de los Elementos Quimicos. Nuevo Sistema Periodico, Universidad Nacional de Cuzco, Cuzco, Peru, 1953 (Spanish). |
114 | Fl | B. Yorifuji, Wonderful Life with the Elements, No Starch Press, San Francisco, 2012. |
115 | Mc | D.I. Mendeléeff, The Principles of Chemistry, American Home Library, New York, 1902. |
116 | Lv | A. Lima-de-Faria, Periodic Tables Unifying Living Organisms at the Molecular Level: The Predictive Power of the Law of Periodicity, World Scientific Press, Singapore, 2018. |
117 | Ts | H.B. Gray, J.D. Simon, W.C. Trogler, Braving the Elements, University Science Books, Sausalito, CA, 1995. |
118 | Og | E.R. Scerri, G. Restrepo, Mendeleev to Oganesson, Oxford University Press, New York, 2018. |
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What is the Periodic Table Showing? | Periodicity |
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