Periodic Table
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The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables

There are thousands of periodic tables in web space, but this is the only comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. If you know of an interesting periodic table that is missing, please contact the database curator: Mark R. Leach Ph.D.

Use the drop menus below to search & select from the more than 1300 Period Tables in the database: 

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Year:  2021 PT id = 1183, Type = formulation data

Crustal Abundance vs. Electronegativity

A chart by René Vernon of Elemental Abundance (g/kg log10) vs. Electronegativity, H to Bi.

René writes:

Below is a remarkable XY chart where x = electronegativity and y = crustal abundance (log10). It stops at the end of the s-process, at Bi. The abundance figures are from the CRC Hanbook of Physics and Chemistry (2016-2017).

I say remarkable as I had little idea what the chart would end up looking like when I started plotting the values.

As well as its coloured regions, I've marked out track lines for six of the main groups and one for group 3.


The rose-coloured arc on the left encompasses the pre-transition metals i.e. the alkali and alkaline earth metals and aluminium, followed by, in the orange rectangle, the rare earth metals. Opposite these regions, along the southern boundary of the green paddock, are the halogens.

In the pale yellow field sheltered by the pre-transition metals and the REM, are the 3d transition metals and, in the white corral, are 4d and 5d base transition metals. Opposite these regions, in the green paddock, are the core nonmetals H, C, N, O, P and S, with Se as an outlier.

Following in the grey blob are the post-transtion or poor metals, immediately adjacent to the bulk of the metalloids or poor nonmetals.

Finally, in the light blue patch, the noble metals are complemented by the noble gases frolicking in the open.

Abundance tends to decrease with increasing Z. Notable exceptions are Li, B, N and Si.



I was intrigued by the article referring to Ni and Ar, and the suggestion of Ar becoming somewhat anionic, albeit in extreme conditions (140 GPa, 1500 K)



I wasn't looking for these but they at least exist as follows:

My references are:

Thus the abundance of the metals in the crust tends to fall with increasing EN.

An answer from L. Bruce Railsback, creator of the Earth Scientist's Periodic Table

"I think I can answer one of the questions. 'Why is Si good at forming a planetary crust?' – because it's so bad at staying in the core. Silicon isn't sufficiently metallic to stay in the core. Even in the mantle and crust, it doesn't go into non-metal solids well: in cooling magmas, it's only a lesser member of the early-forming minerals (e.g., Mg2SiO4, forsterite, where it's outnumbered two to one). The mineral only of Si as a cation, SiO2 (quartz), is the LAST mineral to form as a magma cools, in essence the residuum of mineral-forming processes. At least some this thinking is at Bowen's Reaction Series and Igneous Rocks at"

Which Electronegativity Scale?

The wide variety of methods for deriving electronegativities tend to give results similar to one another.

Click to enlarge:

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What is the Periodic Table Showing? Periodicity

© Mark R. Leach Ph.D. 1999 –

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