Periodic Table
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The INTERNET Database of Periodic Tables

There are thousands of periodic tables in web space, but this is the only comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic system formulations. If you know of an interesting periodic table that is missing, please contact the database curator: Mark R. Leach Ph.D.

Use the drop menus below to search & select from the more than 1300 Period Tables in the database: 

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Periodic Tables referencing the text string "Jodogne", listed by date:

1985   Jodogne's Tableau des Éléments
2014   Jodogne's Janet New Color Periodic Table
2014   Jodogne's New Color Table
2014   Jodogne's Janet New Colour Periodic Table
2020   Jodogne's Periodic Table of The Elements

Year:  1985 PT id = 383, Type = formulation

Jodogne's Tableau des Éléments

Jean-Claude Jodogne's Tableau des Éléments. Click here for a full size version:

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Year:  2014 PT id = 638, Type = formulation

Jodogne's Janet New Color Periodic Table

By J.C. Jodogne, "a Janet type slightly modified to enhance shells, periods and to make determination of ground state configuration (orbitals) very easily to build". Click here to get the full size pdf.

Janet New Color PT

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Year:  2014 PT id = 639, Type = formulation

Jodogne's New Color Table

By J.C. Jodogne, "a medium type with the above features but with Z continuity and a general aspect very similar to the usual presentation". Click here to get the full size pdf.

New Color PT

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Year:  2014 PT id = 681, Type = formulation

Jodogne's Janet New Colour Periodic Table

"This Periodic Table(click here for larger version) incorporates the Real Aufbau of Professor Pyykkö based on relativistic Quantum Mechanics, with Z continuity horizontally and vertically, by means of taking into account the ground level - energy increase upward - of the last incoming electron (the lower side of the element case is the level guide mark). A large yellow line indicates period. A gradual color for H induces a manifold chemical behavior."


Janet New Colour

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Year:  2020 PT id = 1131, Type = formulation

Jodogne's Periodic Table of The Elements

Dr.Ir.Jodogne Jean Claude writes:

"I have the pleasure to send to you my paper on the PT which appears in Chimie Nouvelle 133 of the Soc.Royale de Chimie. However for the moment it is in French. The paper contains and explains the ultimate evolution of my preceding PT but it is the most scientifically based. Pedagogically, I believe it is interesting and easy. As you will see it keeps most of the chemical usual properties of the traditional one."

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What is the Periodic Table Showing? Periodicity

© Mark R. Leach Ph.D. 1999 –

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